On March 4–5, the Valdai International Discussion Club will hold the 5th Central Asian Conference on the topic of “Russia and Central Asia: Cooperation in a Multipolar World.” The Central Asian Valdai is being held for the fifth time and traditionally in Russia. This year, the venue is moving from Bashkiria (Ufa) to Eastern Siberia to Lake Baikal (Irkutsk), one of the most recognizable symbols of Siberia and Russia. The goal of the conference is to expand the intellectual discussion of the expert community of Russia and Central Asian countries in the context of fundamental changes in the world order.
Program of the V Central Asian Conference of the Valdai International Discussion Club
“Russia and Central Asia: Cooperation in a Multipolar World”
d. Irkutsk, March 4-5, 2025
Attention! The program shows local time
March 4, Tuesday
09:30 – 9:50 Conference opening (live broadcast: Russian , English )
10:00 – 11:30 Session I. Real Multipolarity: Opportunities and Challenges (live broadcast: Russian , English )
Fundamental changes in the international environment pose similar challenges to Russia and the Central Asian countries and create opportunities for them that are similar in nature. Among them: increasing conflict in relations between large states, transformation of the usual model of globalization, trade wars and – at the same time – expanding potential for multiplying foreign economic ties. In the future, real multipolarity will become the main external factor of development and cooperation in Greater Eurasia, the influence of which may be favorable for achieving the goals of the countries of the region. The task of the session: to discuss the main opportunities and challenges for Russia and the Central Asian countries in the context of the formation of a new international order.
12:00 – 13:30 Session II. Eurasian security and state sovereignty
The desire of states to ensure their sovereignty and independence in making foreign policy decisions can become a factor both promoting and hindering broad regional cooperation. Russia and Central Asia are currently setting themselves the task of creating a space for constructive interstate cooperation in Eurasia and solving urgent problems of development and security without compromising state sovereignty. Possible methods and areas of such cooperation are the main subject of discussion within the framework of this session.
14:30 – 16:00 Session III. Fair Solutions to Common Challenges: Climate, Water, Demography
The consequences of climate change, water availability and demography are the main issues directly related to cooperation between Russia and the Central Asian countries. Their solution affects almost all aspects of our relations and also influences the overall development of the Eurasian region. At the national level and within the framework of international organizations, Russia and its partner countries are already moving towards practical steps necessary in these areas of our interaction. The goal of the session is to discuss the dynamics of the development of common challenges and joint actions necessary to respond to them.
16:30 – 18:00 Session IV. Russia and Central Asia in Greater Eurasia: International Trade and Transport
International trade and transport are the most important areas of economic activity that form the common space of Russia and Central Asia, ensuring their participation in the Eurasian and global economy. Currently, both areas of cooperation are in a state of dynamic development. The main objective of the session is to determine the main vectors of interaction, discuss prospects and problems in these two areas.
March 5, Wednesday
10:30 – 12:00 Open discussion (live broadcast: Russian , English )
An open discussion is a traditional format within the framework of the Central Asian conferences of the Valdai Club. The purpose of the discussion is to draw attention to problems and issues that were not sufficiently addressed within the framework of the main conference program, to outline directions and topics for future discussion, to freely exchange opinions on other important issues of bilateral relations and interaction of Russia and the Central Asian countries with the outside world. All conference participants and guests are invited to participate in the discussion.