2023 ICAT Partner Forum: Supporting country readiness for effective implementation of the ETF

Start date:
April 25, 2023
End date:
April 27, 2023

ICAT is excited to host its annual Partner Forum, from 25 – 27 April 2023, 14:00-17:00 CEST. Bringing together many experts from across ICAT’s network – partner countries, implementing partners, Donor Steering Committee, Advisory Committee, and other climate and capacity building initiatives – the ICAT Partner Forum will be an opportunity to share and discuss the lessons learnt, challenges and opportunities, to further develop national transparency frameworks and prepare for the BTR in support of the Paris Agreement architecture.

Based on feedback from ICAT’s partner countries and the current state of the global process, we are focusing the 2023 ICAT Partner Forum on “Supporting country readiness for effective implementation of the ETF”, with plenary sessions and breakout groups covering topics related to accelerating BTR readiness, using transparency to support NDC implementation and the SDGs and working with data tools, systems and frameworks for effective climate action.

The ICAT Partner Forum will be held online and will feature a combination of sessions in plenary format and breakout groups. It will be held in English with simultaneous interpretation in French and Spanish for all plenary sessions and selected breakout groups, while two breakout sessions will be offered in French. Participants are invited to register for the forum through the link previously circulated.

The draft agenda is below:

Day 1 – Accelerating readiness for the Biennial Transparency Report

Interactive plenary session:
BTR Readiness – status, needs, gaps and challenges

Breakout groups:
Session 1: Sectoral or economy-wide MRV frameworks
Session 2: Systèmes MNV au niveau national ou sectoriel
Session 3: Indicators for tracking progress in NDC implementation
Session 4: Reporting on adaptation
Session 5: Tracking climate finance

Day 2 – Using transparency to support NDC implementation and the SDGs

Interactive plenary session:
NDC implementation: status, tracking frameworks, needs and gaps

Breakout groups:
Session 6: Policy assessment for transformational change and sustainable development
Session 7: Monitoring and evaluation of just transitions
Session 8: Suivi du financement climatique
Session 9: Transparency for Cooperative Approaches under Article 6
Session 10: Transparency for climate action in agriculture (adaptation/mitigation)

Day 3 – Working with data: tools, systems and frameworks for effective climate action

Breakout groups:
Session 11: Tools for NDC tracking
Session 12: Building national or sectoral climate data systems
Session 13: Developing M&E frameworks for loss and damage
Session 14: Estimating projections of GHG emissions and removals
Session 15: Integrating subnational and/or non-state actions

Interactive plenary session:
Effectiveness of support for countries’ enhanced transparency frameworks

For more information, please contact the ICAT secretariat.

More Information:

ICAT is excited to host its annual Partner Forum, from 25 – 27 April 2023, 14:00-17:00 CEST. Bringing together many experts from across ICAT’s network – partner countries, implementing partners, Donor Steering Committee, Advisory Committee, and other climate and capacity building initiatives – the ICAT Partner Forum will be an opportunity to share and discuss the lessons learnt, challenges and opportunities, to further develop national transparency frameworks and prepare for the BTR in support of the Paris Agreement architecture.

Based on feedback from ICAT’s partner countries and the current state of the global process, we are focusing the 2023 ICAT Partner Forum on “Supporting country readiness for effective implementation of the ETF”, with plenary sessions and breakout groups covering topics related to accelerating BTR readiness, using transparency to support NDC implementation and the SDGs and working with data tools, systems and frameworks for effective climate action.

The ICAT Partner Forum will be held online and will feature a combination of sessions in plenary format and breakout groups. It will be held in English with simultaneous interpretation in French and Spanish for all plenary sessions and selected breakout groups, while two breakout sessions will be offered in French. Participants are invited to register for the forum through the link previously circulated.

The draft agenda is below:

Day 1 – Accelerating readiness for the Biennial Transparency Report

Interactive plenary session:
BTR Readiness – status, needs, gaps and challenges

Breakout groups:
Session 1: Sectoral or economy-wide MRV frameworks
Session 2: Systèmes MNV au niveau national ou sectoriel
Session 3: Indicators for tracking progress in NDC implementation
Session 4: Reporting on adaptation
Session 5: Tracking climate finance

Day 2 – Using transparency to support NDC implementation and the SDGs

Interactive plenary session:
NDC implementation: status, tracking frameworks, needs and gaps

Breakout groups:
Session 6: Policy assessment for transformational change and sustainable development
Session 7: Monitoring and evaluation of just transitions
Session 8: Suivi du financement climatique
Session 9: Transparency for Cooperative Approaches under Article 6
Session 10: Transparency for climate action in agriculture (adaptation/mitigation)

Day 3 – Working with data: tools, systems and frameworks for effective climate action

Breakout groups:
Session 11: Tools for NDC tracking
Session 12: Building national or sectoral climate data systems
Session 13: Developing M&E frameworks for loss and damage
Session 14: Estimating projections of GHG emissions and removals
Session 15: Integrating subnational and/or non-state actions

Interactive plenary session:
Effectiveness of support for countries’ enhanced transparency frameworks

For more information, please contact the ICAT secretariat.

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