The Programme Document (PD) for the Water Management Programme in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan (FinWaterWEI II) was prepared on the basis of two preparatory missions to Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan in 2012-2013 during which a wide range of relevant stakeholders were interviewed. The missions were complemented by a thorough study on the ample material available from both countries (strategies, reports, studies and analysis). The PD was prepared through an iterative writing process and the final PD was approved by the Finnish Minister for International Development in October 2013. Following the human rights based approach to development, the Programme addresed the capacities of rights-holders and duty bearers, and the relations between the two groups. On one hand the Programme was aimed at strengthening public authorities’ capability and means to provide the citizens the necessary services and benefits from water. Improved management and protection of water resources enhanced availability of water for drinking and household use particularly in the rural areas where the poorest people suffer most of inadequate water services. On the other hand, the Programme also provided direct support to beneficiaries in the form of awareness-raising campaigns, mobilisation of citizens for sustainable water and wastewater management as well as exploring bottom-up approaches to sustainable water management. Particular attention wasl paid to mobilising women and improved mainstreaming of gender in water management at different levels.

- Gov of Finland
- Finnish Environment Institute, UNECE
- 8000000.00
- 8000000.00
- FinWaterWEI II is already finished
- N/A
Expected Results
Expected Results