Strengthening ecosystems and development linkages through innovative economic approaches for green growth

Strengthening ecosystems and development linkages through innovative economic approaches for green growth

It was an umbrella initiative that was managed by the Ecosystem Services and Economics (ESE) Unit of the UNEP Division of Environmental Policy Implementation (DEPI) with inputs from various other Divisions and offices of UNEP. The overall objective of the Green Growth Project was to contribute to a better integration of environmental concerns into national development processes, policy planning and decision-making.The project was targeted mostly at the global (and regional level), using conferences, meetings and policy dialogues with various country policy-makers as a tool to communicate integrating ecosystem services into economic policies. However, at national level, pilot studies were conducted in South Sudan, Kenya, and, through its UNDA 8th Tranche Component, Kazakhstan and Morocco. The Green Growth Terminal Evaluation has two main objectives: 1) to provide evidence of results to meet accountability requirements, and 2) to promote operational improvement, learning and knowledge sharing through results and lessons learned among UNEP and its main project partners.

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