The objective of the Additional Financing for the Environmental Land Management and Rural Livelihoods Project for Tajikistan is to enable rural people to increase their productive assets in ways that improve natural resource management and resilience to climate change in selected climate vulnerable sites. The AF will help finance costs associated with strengthening and expanding component one (rural production and land resource management investments) and component (knowledge management and institutional support) of the existing project. In particular, AF will enable the project to: (i) expand its geographic coverage and support to different climate vulnerable districts, by scaling up support for innovative rural production and sustainable land management (SLM) measures at the village level to help rural livelihoods become more resilient to climate change; and (ii) improve access to the best or most appropriate knowledge on the adoption of SLM and climate resilient practices among the rural population and households.
- 2015
- 2018
Additional Financing to Environmental Land Management and Rural Livelihoods Project

- World Bank, Strategic Climate Fund (SCF), Borrower
- Committee on Environmental Protection
- 4060000.00
- 3277232.00
- Khatlon region etc.
- Angela G. Armstrong = Team Leader
Expected Results
Expected Results