Irrigation and drainage 47%,
General water, sanitation and flood protection sector 34%,
Public Administration – Water, Sanitation and Waste Management 19%.
Implementation Status and Key Decisions
The NWRMP was envisaged as a series of two projects earmarked for funding by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and
administered by the World Bank. The Project Development Objective of the first phase, NWRMP-1, was to improve water resources management
capability and irrigation service delivery for the benefit of water users. The NWRMP-1 had four components, financing mostly technical assistance for: (i)
Strengthening national water management capacity, including establishment of a Water Information System (WIS); (ii) Improving irrigation service
delivery to Water Users Associations (WUAs); (iii) Improving irrigation management by Water Users Associations; and (iv) Project management. The
project was implemented nationwide, covering all river basins, government-run off-farm irrigation systems, off-farm systems managed by Federation of
WUAs, and all WUA-managed irrigation systems, with localized initiatives to test and develop specific processes and procedures. Key indicators for the
NWRMP-1 were: (i) DWRLI responsible for functions of the State Water Administration, and separate divisions for water resources management (WRM)
and irrigation and drainage management (IDM) operating more effectively; (ii) WUAs supplied with adequate volumes of water by IDM division (for 6
pilot schemes); (iii) WUAs providing satisfactory levels of service to water users (for rehabilitated WUAs); and (iv) Area with improved I&D services. The
project was approved by the Bank’s Regional Vice-President in April 2014 and became effective April 29, 2015, with a scheduled closing date of June
30, 2017.
The long period between approval and effectiveness has considerably shortened the project implementation period by 6 months. A nocost
extension of the project duration was required. Both implementation progress and achievement of development objective were rated Moderately Satisfactory.

- World Bank
- Department of Water Resources
- Department of Water Resources
- Team Leader Pieter David Meerbach, Wilfried Hundertmark
Expected Results
Expected Results