Heat Supply Improvement Project

Heat Supply Improvement Project

The development objective of Heat Supply Improvement Project for Kyrgyz Republic is to improve the efficiency and quality of heating in selected Project areas. This project consists of three components. 1) The first component, Improving supply efficiency and quality of the District Heating (DH) system in Bishkek, aims to support priority investments and capacity building activities aimed at improving the supply efficiency and quality of the DH system in Bishkek. It has the following two subcomponents: (i) Priority investment program for DH rehabilitation; and (ii) Operational capacity strengthening and Project implementation support for Bishkekteploset (BTS). 2) The second component, Piloting efficient and clean heating stoves, aims to pilot efficient and clean heating solutions for households that don’t have access to DH and are relying on traditional, inefficient and polluting solid fuel-fired heating stoves and Low pressure boilers (LPBs). It has the following two subcomponents: (i) Incentive program for low income households; and (ii) Stimulation of production and use of efficient and clean stoves. 3) The third component, Demonstrating the benefits of energy efficiency improvements in public buildings, aims to support the Government’s Action Plan on reducing electricity consumption in public buildings by improving their energy efficiency and will help to build local market capacity in preparing and implementing energy efficient and seismic building retrofits. It has the following two subcomponents: (i) Energy efficiency investments in public buildings; and (ii) Project implementation support for Agentstvo Razvitiya I Investirovanya Soobschtv Kyrgyzkoi Respubliki (ARIS).

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