The project development objective (PDO) is to improve access to safely managed water supply services in selected districts; and to s trengthen the capacity of institutions in the water supply and sanitation sector for improved service delivery.
The aim of the project is to provide essential water supply services in the selected rural and peri-urban areas of south-western Khatlon region, considering the expected impacts of changes in precipitation patterns and other relevant climate factors on the targeted project areas. In this way, the project intends to make the targeted communities more resilient to the climate change-exacerbated risk of floods, droughts, and rising temperatures.
The project consists of four components: Component 1 will finance a range of activities targeting
ISCB of water sector institutions at national, regional, and local levels to ensure sustainable service provision in the project area. Component 2 will finance implementation of WSS infrastructure solutions that will be simple and robust, include climate resilience measures, and will be structured along two parts: Subcomponent 2A will support water infrastructure investments and Subcomponent 2B will target upgrade of WASH facilities in social institutions. Component 3 will support project management and Monitoring, and Component 4 is a CERC. The components are designed to maximize climate change adaptation measures.
- 2022
- 2027
Water Supply and Sanitation Investment

- World Bank
- Ministry of Energy and Water Resources, State Unitary Enterprise "Khojagii Manziliyu Kommunali", Project Management Unit "Municipal Infrastructure Development Project"
- 45000000.00
- 43689320.39
- The project is expected to benefit residents of target districts, water utilities at the local level, and water sector institutions. The first group of beneficiaries includes 250,000 residents of rural and periurban communities within Balkhi, and Dusti districts. Among those, around 15,000 people (mostly children) will benefit from investments in WASH facilities in schools and rural health centers. Targeted households will also benefit from improved interaction with the water utilities and reduced response time in addressing their complaints.
- Farzona Mukhitdinova, TL
Expected Results
Expected Results