About 90 universities took part in the International Internet Olympiad in Ecology

About 90 universities took part in the International Internet Olympiad in Ecology

Students from more than 90 universities took part in the International Internet Olympiad in Ecology, including 26 from Turkmenistan, and 63 from 17 countries. During the intellectual competition, students’ knowledge in the field of the environment, the biosphere, environmental legislation and the international environmental agenda was tested, the Turkmenistan newspaper reports.
In total, about 160 students from Turkmen and foreign universities were awarded prizes, including 19 first places. Among the gold medalists of Turkmenistan are representatives of the Turkmen Agricultural University. S.A. Niyazov, Institute of Engineering, Technical and Transport Communications of Turkmenistan, International Academy of Horse Breeding named after. Aba Annaev, Turkmen State University named after. Magtymguly, State Medical University named after. M. Garryev, Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics of Turkmenistan, Turkmen State Pedagogical Institute named after. S. Seydi, State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan, as well as the Institute of National Security.
Among the foreign winners: Chuvash State Pedagogical University named after. I.Ya. Yakovleva, Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Southern Federal University and Arzamas branch of the National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University. N.I. Lobachevsky.
56 students received silver medals, 85 – bronze medals. The Olympiad was organized by the Turkmen Agricultural University. S.A. Niyazov as part of the general holding of intellectual competitions by Turkmen universities.

Photo: from the editorial archive
Orient Link: https://orient.tm/ru/post/65281/okolo-90-vuzov-prinyali-uchastie-v-mezhdunarodnoj-internet-olimpiade-po-ekologii

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