Alexey Kokorin presents the UNFCCC COP28 analysis unique for Central Asia

Alexey Kokorin presents the UNFCCC COP28 analysis unique for Central Asia

Today, an online presentation of the analytical review on the outcomes of the UNFCCC COP28 and prospects for Central Asia, organized by the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC), took place.

The review author, Alexei Kokorin, stressed that there are no analogues of such a review focused on Central Asia.

Alexei Kokorin, an international expert at CAREC, identified four features of the analytical review that distinguish it from other similar reviews dedicated to the Conference of the Parties:

– This review is for the countries of Central Asia; it has no analogues. Moreover, this review is 99% suitable for the countries of the South Caucasus;

– The review is focused on future actions and plans for the upcoming Conference of the Parties;

– The review includes recommendations on actions to be taken not only for the countries but also for businesses, NGOs, and international organizations;

– The review is in the form of a handbook that contains 100 hyperlinks and can serve as educational material for everyone.

The review will be posted in the “Publication” section.

Alexei Kokorin thinks Central Asia successfully participated in the UNFCCC COP28 as they achieved the following results:

                • The decision of the “Loss and Damage” Fund (LDFF) included the Central Asian countries as beneficiaries;
                • The decisions of the Conference of Parties considered the peculiarities of the Central Asian countries (mountains, glaciers, water scarcity);
                • The Central Asia pavilion and regional statements demonstrated the readiness of the region to actively participate in solving the climate problems and promoted partnerships with a wide range of organizations, from international financial institutions to NGOs.

CAREC international expert Alexei Kokorin noted that now it depends on the Central Asian countries how successfully they will participate in the “Loss and Damage” Fund. According to the expert, such a decision allowing Central Asia to participate in the LDFF is a good achievement.

The online presentation is held within the framework of “The Regional Dialogue of Central Asian Countries on Joint Preparations for the 28th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change”  on the eve of the UNFCCC COP28 Meeting “Central Asia at Climate Change Negotiations: COP28 Outcomes and Plans for COP29”.

Additional Information:

Vladimir Grebnev, CAREC Climate Change Specialist,


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