Assessment of snow and glacial reserves in Central Asia: Regional cooperation in the development of integrated methods for their conservation

Assessment of snow and glacial reserves in Central Asia: Regional cooperation in the development of integrated methods for their conservation

On November 4-5, 2024, Almaty hosted the second seminar dedicated to strengthening the resilience of Central Asian countries by promoting regional cooperation in the field of assessment of nival-glacial systems in order to develop integrated methods for sustainable development and adaptation to climate change. The event was attended by Mergen Kepbanov, Director of the Project Office of the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC) in Turkmenistan, who stressed the importance of concerted efforts by countries to adapt to changing climatic conditions.

“This seminar gives us a unique opportunity to work together to develop solutions necessary for sustainable resource management, including water and glacial systems. Work in this direction is not only a contribution to the environmental well—being of the region, but also a guarantee of a stable future for our communities,” Mergen Kepbanov said, emphasizing the importance of regional cooperation and a coordinated approach.

The seminar was full of various sessions, each of which touched on important topics for the region. During the first session, the participants presented the current results of the work, including the development of a diagnostic analysis. The results of the first sub-regional seminar were presented, a series of national seminars and expert studies were conducted. Each country — Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan — presented its own context of diagnostic analysis, which allowed collecting a variety of data for further joint actions.

In the second session, the focus was on changes in the cryosphere and climate in Central Asia. Scientists and experts discussed key climate changes and their impact on the level of snow and glacial reserves. Questions about future challenges and necessary adaptation measures were particularly relevant for all participants, given the climate changes affecting the region.

The third session was devoted to the strategic perspectives of the countries in the field of water resources, at which delegates from each country shared their vision and approaches. The discussion helped to identify similar approaches and unique features of each State, which is the key to more effective cooperation.

At the fourth session, development partners presented their sub-regional projects and programmes aimed at supporting sustainable development. Ideas were proposed for further cooperation between the Central Asian countries and international organizations.

On the second day of the fifth session, the coordination of climate scenarios was carried out, during which participants highlighted key points on the components of the cryosphere. Working in groups, the participants analyzed components such as snow, glaciers, permafrost, as well as the relationship of the cryosphere with water resources, climate and communities in the region. This session allowed the participants to work out regional aspects in more detail and identify common ground for joint solutions to climate problems.

The sixth session focused on modeling future development scenarios. In groups, the participants developed a “business as usual” scenario and recommended scenarios, after which they presented their results. These scenarios can become the basis for the formation of policies aimed at the sustainable management of water and cryosphere resources in Central Asia.

The final session summed up the results, where participants exchanged views on the key results of the seminar and outlined further steps for the implementation of joint initiatives in the field of sustainable development and climate adaptation.


The seminar was an important step towards closer regional cooperation in addressing the challenges of climate change. It also served as a platform for the exchange of best practices among Central Asian countries.




Additional information:

Mergen Kepbanov – Director of the CAREC Project Office in Turkmenistan,


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