A collection of analytical materials of the third stream of the School of Analytics has been published

We are pleased to inform you that the collection «Қазақстанның орнықты даму бағдары», compiled as a results of the collaborative efforts of analysts and mentors from the third cohort of the “Taldau Mektebi – School of Analytics” project, is published on the website of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The …

A collection of analytical materials of the third stream of the School of Analytics has been published Read More »

Based on the UAE experience: why artificial rains should not be induced in Kazakhstan

In recent years, news about the successful use of the ionization method to cause rain in the UAE, Jordan and other countries has often appeared on the Internet. Kazakhstani Altay Ainabek also claimed that he was able to cause rain in Mangistau using this technology. However, is this method really effective, and how safe is …

Based on the UAE experience: why artificial rains should not be induced in Kazakhstan Read More »

Training on climate journalism and communications

Climate Action Network – Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia n-ost and MediaNet invite journalists from Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan to a training on climate journalism and communications in Almaty! The training will take place from September 12 to 14. Working language: English. You will be able to dive deep into climate issues in Kazakhstan and …

Training on climate journalism and communications Read More »

Cooperation in dynamics: the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan and CAREC

Kazakhstan – Astana – August 8, 2024 Today, the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Yerlan Nysanbayev, held an official meeting with the Executive Director of the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC), Zafar Makhmudov, and the Country Director of CAREC in Kazakhstan, Yerlan Zhumabayev. During the meeting, they …

Cooperation in dynamics: the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan and CAREC Read More »

Kazakhstan Proposes to Create International Center for Greening the Aral Sea

In anticipation of the official visit of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to Astana, scheduled for the near future, representatives of the Ministries of Ecology of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan held talks on the implementation of a joint environmental project. During the meeting, the Kazakh side presented a project to create an International Center, the …

Kazakhstan Proposes to Create International Center for Greening the Aral Sea Read More »

A committee for the regulation, protection and use of water resources has been created in Kazakhstan

In Kazakhstan, in order to strengthen the fight against the “black market” for water, a new agency has been created under the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation – the Committee for the Regulation, Protection and Use of Water Resources. The press service of the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation reported this. The new …

A committee for the regulation, protection and use of water resources has been created in Kazakhstan Read More »

What tasks does Kazakhstan face as chairman of the Fund for Saving the Aral Sea?

Kazakhstan this year headed the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea. Our country’s chairmanship will last three years, and Kassym-Jomart Tokayev was elected president of the Fund for the same period. What initiatives and projects are planned to be implemented during this time, said the head of the water cooperation department for Central Asia …

What tasks does Kazakhstan face as chairman of the Fund for Saving the Aral Sea? Read More »

The Start of Registration for the 14th Central Asian Leadership Programme

The Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia opens registration for the 14th Central Asian Leadership Programme (CALP) on Environment for Sustainable Development. Registration will run from 24 June to 21 July. To register, please go to https://calp.carecoco.org The programme invites young professionals from civil society organisations, governmental organisations and academia from the five Central Asian …

The Start of Registration for the 14th Central Asian Leadership Programme Read More »

Workshop on Climate Risk Management: Transboundary Chu and Chon-Kemin River Basin

On June 19, a seminar on transboundary water basins is being held in Taraz (Kazakhstan): the Shu-Chon-Kemin river basin. The seminar was organized within the framework of the project “Climate Risk Assessment and Capacity Development” (CRDA), implemented within the framework of the GIZ program “Climate Risk Management in Central Asia”, in collaboration with the Ministry …

Workshop on Climate Risk Management: Transboundary Chu and Chon-Kemin River Basin Read More »

Kazakhstan may ban the use of hydroelectric power plants for the production of “green” hydrogen

At the suggestion of environmentalists from the Rivers Without Borders public fund, the possibility of producing “green” hydrogen at the facilities of hydroelectric power plants may be excluded from the concept of hydrogen energy development in Kazakhstan. The Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan will take into account the proposal of the public …

Kazakhstan may ban the use of hydroelectric power plants for the production of “green” hydrogen Read More »

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