

Green Central Asia: Transboundary dialogue on climate, environment and security in Central Asia and Afghanistan

The Green Central Asia Regional Programme aims at improving access to information and risk analyses in order to enable participating countries to assess the impact of climate change more accurately and to take preventive measures. At the same time, dialogue fora and workshops are meant to increase states´ resilience and decision-makers’ ability to adequately address security hazards resulting from climate change at national and regional level.
It promotes conflict prevention and trans-boundary cooperation. Support is also provided to develop the capacity of partner institutions in the field of environmental management.

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Regional Water and Vulnerable Environment activity

Target basins: Syr Darya and Amu Darya

Objective 1
Human capital and educational institutions that address both IWRM and WEF nexus issues
Objective 2
Basin Councils that are sustainable and promote cooperation for mutual economic benefit
Objective 3
Regional and national initiatives that support transboundary water cooperation and address governance needs
Objective 4
Actions that address regional and national environmental challenges

Key Result
Technical capacity and regional cooperation will be strengthened for the management of shared water resources, regional security, economic prosperity, and a healthy environment.

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Central Asia Water and Energy Program

The Central Asia Water and Energy Program aims to help six Central Asian countries strengthen the enabling environment to promote water and energy security at the regional level and in beneficiary countries.

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