CAREC Mid-Term Report on Achieved Results
CAREC Mid-Term Report on Achieved Results Consulting Services for Regional Collaboration WB Mission March 2025 (May 2024 – March 2025)
CAREC Mid-Term Report on Achieved Results Consulting Services for Regional Collaboration WB Mission March 2025 (May 2024 – March 2025)
CAREC Newsletter. Issue 5/2025. We’ve gathered the most important insights! CACCC-2025: Outlook on the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties. https://mailchi.mp/2a616878cc05/carec-newsletter-issue-5-caccc-2025cop29?e=fc770ccb0e
Author(s) Steffen Zuther Stefan Michel Dilys Roe Zairbek Kubanychbekov Khalil Karimov Sergey Sklyarenko Stephanie Ward Published Date March 2024 Publication Language English Publisher CMS Secretariat City Bonn Country Germany Type Technical Reports CMS Instrument Central Asian Mammals Initiative, CMS Attachment Size Potential for Community-based Wildlife Management in Central Asia – English
The global water crisis has been identified as one of the major global risks over the past 3 years. As the forecasts are not encouraging, water supply is likely to become an even greater source of tension and instability in the future. In this context, Switzerland is committed to promoting
The project is to finance the Priority Investment Programme consisting of the Wastewater Treatment Plant (“WWTP”) capacity extension and the wastewater network rehabilitation. The project is expected to be a ‘trigger’ investment for the city under the Green Cities Framework 2 Window II (GrCF2 W2).
The Project (i) will generate substantive environmental benefits through reduction of local pollution and employment of the EU environmental standards; (ii) will lead to climate mitigation benefits through elimination of GHG emissions via generating electricity through the company’s existing combined heat and power (CHP) units from biogas collected from wastewater sludge.
The Project will support (i) mapping of skills in demand in the technical and greener wastewater management sector; (ii) introducing an improved learning programme for young specialists; and (iii) developing closer partnerships between the Company’s training centre and local education institutions for skills strengthening.
The project is to finance (i) the acquisition of 190 modern, energy efficient trolleybuses to renew the Company’s existing fleet; and (ii) the rehabilitation of 10 power supply sub-stations.
The Project is aimed at improving public transport services in the City in terms of quality, reliability, sustainability and environmental, health and safety standards. The Project contributes to the reduction of GHG emissions through energy efficiency increase
The project is to improve resource efficiency and reduce emissions by upgrading process water treatment facilities resulting in increased water reuse and resolve long-standing environmental issues by remediating 860 ha evaporation ponds adjacent to the city of Atyrau.
The project implementation will result in (i) an improvement of water efficiency, (ii) the minimisation of adverse ecological impacts by remediating the evaporation ponds, and (iii) a reduction of GHG emissions and volatile organic compounds.
The project will reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, increase waste recycling and recovery rates and improve environmental, health and safety standards. It will support the commercialisation, sustainability and better quality of SWM services. It will also facilitate private sector involvement with improved governance and contractual arrangements between service providers and the city akimat.
It will include: (i) the construction of an EU standards compliant sanitary landfill and (ii) the construction of a biological solid waste treatment facility at the new sanitary landfill site.
The project is to pilot agroforestry practices using a community-centered approach and to build government capacity for landscape management and re storation.
This knowledge and support technical assistance (TA) will support the delivery of a Climate Change Strategy and an Action Plan for Central and West Asia to strengthen integration of climate change considerations in Asian Development Banks (ADB) financed interventions in the developing member countries (DMCs) of the region. It will prepare robust climate mitigation and adaptation pipelines aligned with the Paris Agreement and responsive to DMCs climate change priorities. The TA will support interventions on departmental, sectoral and country levels with key activities including development of a regional strategy, upstream climate assessments, climate pipeline development, government dialogues and capacity building.