Empowering the civil society in Kazakhstan in improvement of chemical safety
The objective of the Action is to improve the implementation of the Aarhus Convention and empower civil society in order to contribute to local development in the Mangystau Region.
The specific objectives are
to establish the independent monitoring of the Aarhus Convention implementation in Kazakhstan and its presentation on international forum;
to build and maintain a network of civic initiatives and active citizens and build their capacities throughout Kazakhstan (especially in the Mangystau Region);
and to increase public access to the information on environmental issues and public participation in decision-making on environmental issues.

Assessing vital signs, pressures and impacts of resource flows and scarcities to inform policy making and improve knowledge management
There as a lack of synthesized information on resource alternatives and efficiencies as well as a need by government ministries and policy makers for more timely alerts of impending resource scarcities. This project addresed this need by assessing scarcities, unsustainable resource flows, and resource alternatives. Findings were translated into national policy approaches for more efficient and equitable use of resources.The project delivered targeted knowledge management products for resource efficiency, environmental alerts, and resource efficiency outlooks to targeted audiences, especially environmental ministries and national level policy makers. The project was executed as three components: Component 1: Environmental Alerts for Resource Scarcities; Component 2: Database Development and On-line Targeted Knowledge Management Products; Component 3: Resource Efficiency: Economics and Outlook reports and Support for Regional Capacity Building. The project addresed the need for improved access to relevant data sources related to emerging resource scarcities and built capacity for environmental ministries to identify emerging resource scarcities and improve efficiencies.The project had both a global and regional focus. Global level datasets and core indicators wiere incorporated into UNEP’s GEO Data Portal and also feed into the Environmental Data & Indicators Platform (EDIP) and alerts generated from this system as resource scarcities emerge world-wide. In addition, four critically affected countries or subregions were focused of Resource Efficiency: Economics and Outlook reports and received capability building support around the subject of resource efficiency and scarcity.

Carec – The Sub-Regional APAN Network Hub in Central Asia
Improving understanding and knowledge of adaptation measures in the context of past, present and future climatic conditions; Building capacity to apply knowledge with the aim of ensuring access to technologies, funds, design and application of adaptation activities; Promoting opportunities to integrate adaptation issues into policy-making, strategic development and planning.

Improvement of the Decision-making Process in Kazakhstan through Introduction of Mechanisms of Economic Assessment of Fulfilling National Obligations under Global Environmental Agreements
To develop individual and institutional capacities for undertaking an economic valuation of global environmental goods and services as potentially impacted by proposed development policies, programmes, plans and projects

National Biodiversity Planning to Support the Implementation of the CBD 2011-2020 Strategic Plan in Republic of Kazakhstan
To integrate Kazakhstan’s obligations under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) into its national development and sectoral planning frameworks through a renewed and participative ‘biodiversity planning’ and strategizing process, in a manner that is in line with the global guidance contained in the CBD’s Strategic Plan for 2011-2020.

Supporting Sustainable Land Management in Steppe and Semi-arid Zones through Integrated Territorial Planning and Agro-environmental Incentives
The MSP “Supporting Sustainable Land Management in Steppe and Semi-arid Zones through Integrated Territorial Planning and Agro-environmental Incentives project” aimed at re-directing current agricultural subsidies to finance environmentally friendly, yet economically profitable, agricultural practices via a system of agro- environmental incentives. This resulted in overall improvement of living standards of rural population including food availability and security. The potential financial incentives through so called agro environmental incentives for better pasture and crop field use brought even greater benefits, both to the overall rural economy and the country.

Enabling Transboundary Cooperation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the Chu and Talas River Basins
The project contributed towards the joint management of the water resources of the Chu and Talas river basins.

Vulnerability of wheat sector to climate change
The project demonstrated the implications of climate risk to the region’s food security, and worked to ensure that climate change adaptation becomes pivotal in agricultural decision-making processes at the regional, national and local levels. It demonstrated the relevance of climate change adaptation in the wheat sector and support the harmonization of financial, technical and social adaptation measures. Preventive and resilience-supporting measures were supported. The project strengthened livelihoods and resilience in Central Asia by strengthening the wheat production sector as a whole and especially its ability to anticipate, cope with, and recover from climate-related risks.

Awareness-raising for EU-CA partnership (AWARE)
The project objectives is increase awareness on the most problematic environmental issues in water management, environmental governance and climate change (CC) to enhance regional and EU-CA cooperation and partnership