

INOGATE Technical Secretariat & Integrated Programme in support of the Baku Initiative and the Eastern Partnership energy objectives

The overall objective of the proposed programme is to contribute to the progress of the INOGATE Partner Countries in the achievement of the Baku Initiative and the Eastern Partnership objectives. The programme would support a reduction in their dependency on fossil fuels and imports, improvement of the security of their energy supply, and climate change overall mitigation.

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Yes (Da) to the Covenant (DACO)

The project aimed at supporting the local authorities in the Central Asia and ENP-East are to acquire a common methodology to correctly monitor, evaluate and reduce their energy consumptions and CO2 emissions by joining the Covenant of Mayors’ principles, rules and goals.

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Steppe Conservation and Management

Partners: MOA – Ministry of Agriculture
Executing Agency – Ministry of Environmental Protection
Executing Agency – Local communities and non-governmental organizations
Executing Agency – Local governance bodies
Executing Agency – Agency for Land Resource ManagementImplementing Agency – Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity of Kazakhstan

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Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Kazakhstan’s Third National Communication to the UNFCCC

The project was to enable Kazakhstan to prepare and submit its Third National Communication to the Conference of Parties (CoP) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in accordance with its commitments as a Party to the Convention as mandated by Articles 4 and 12 of the Convention and subsequent CoP decisions. It updated and strengthen information provided regarding national circumstances, inventories of greenhouse gases, policies and measures undertaken to mitigate climate change, assessments of vulnerability to climate change and steps taken to adapt to climate change, and information on public awareness, education, training, systematic research and observation, and technology transfer. The project also increased the capacity of experts and institutions in Kazakhstan to produce subsequent National Communications that meet all guidelines established by the CoP and that serve as a source of information for national policies and measures to mitigate and adapt to climate change in key economic and social sectors.

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Central Asian Multi-Country Programme on Climate Risk Management. Climate Risk Management in Kazakhstan

Many development projects within Kazakhstan are not focused on climate risk management interventions (which includes both climate-related disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation) (CRM) and have been undertaken on an ad hoc basis and in isolation from similar endeavours, with little focus on up-scaling. Few development projects take into consideration the complexities and multi-sectoral impacts of climate change. Furthermore, few economic assessments in Kazakhstan showcase the economic impacts of climate change with and without adaptation and as a result there is very little political traction for implementing proactive adaptation responses.

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Strengthening coordination of project formulation and mobilization of resources for sustainable radioactive waste management in Central Asia

This project has been developed in accordance with the Joint Declaration adopted at the high-level International Forum “Uranium Tailings in Central Asia: Local Problems, Regional Concenquences, Global Solution”, held in Geneva on 29 June 2009. The Joint Declaration calls for a coherent approach in addressing threats to population and environment from hazardous radioactive waste. The project contributed to transform scientific knowledge and political desire into development and implementation of prioritized interventions that include: (i) strengthening of regulatory, legislative framework and capacity for sustainable management of radioactive wastes; (ii) special initiatives for cleaning up and restoration of selected sites; (iii) initiatives for community development, including raising public awareness and attraction of social, environmental and economic investments; (iv) promotion of partnership between public and private sectors for recycling waste tailings.

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