

The Central Asian Countries Initiative for Land Management (CACILM)

The goal was to combat land degradation and improve rural livelihoods in the CACs. The objective was to establish the Central Asian Initiative for Land Management (CACILM), a multi-country and donor partnership to support the development and implementation of national level programmatic frameworks for more comprehensive and integrated approaches to sustainable land management in the region. The CACILM is a 10-year, multicountry, multidonor program promoting SLM to restore, maintain, and enhance productivity of Drylands. The goal of CACILM was to combat land degradation while also improving rural livelihoods across the region. It was anticipated that in the second and third phase significantly more resources could be invested in SLM-related activities in the Kyrgyz Republic, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, by the partnership of national governments, the GEF, implementing agencies, and other donors.

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Shymkent WWT Essential Modernisation

The EBRD provided a loan of up to €13.6 million to VRM LLP, the water company in Shymkent, Kazakhstan, to finance the modernisation of the wastewater treatment facilities. The investments are based on the immediate needs of the Company as identified in the Feasibility Study completed by international consultants in close collaboration with the Company. The investment programme consists of (i) upgrade of the existing WWTP; and (ii) sludge treatment and bio-gas plant.

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Strengthening the capacity in the field of sustainable development through integration of climate change issues into strategic planning in the Republic of Kazakhstan

The project was the continuation of a long work between UNDP Country Office and MEP aimed at promotion of sustainable development policy and strengthening the capacity of state bodies in the most actual issues of environmental management and international cooperation. The goal of the project: rendering assistance to MEP in promotion of Kazakhstan transition to sustainable development through strengthening the integration of sustainable development principles into the system of strategic planning considering the priorities of the global and regional policy. The project was aimed at the development of the state sector potential to introduce the policy of low-carbon development and promote active participation in the international processes related to implementation of the commitments under the UNFCCC. The project was also contribute to the development of the policy on adaptation to climate change.

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FinWaterWEI –Programme for Finland’s Water Sector Support to the EECCA Countries under the Wider Europe Initiative

The overall objective of the programme is to ensure sustainable water management in Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus and Central Asia. FinWater WEI’s purpose is to reduce water disputes inside and between countries and to improve water supply and sanitation through improved education, increased investment and better alignment of water management with the UNECE Water Convention and its Water and Health Protocol.

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A comprehensive study on glacial melting in Central Asia

The project goals were:
(i) to synthesise the information presently available on glacial melting in Central Asia;
(ii) to model the impacts of a range of climate change scenarios on glacial melting on water supply in the major river basins in Central Asia for the period 2009-2100 using the best available information;
(iii) to identify the gaps in knowledge, data, observation capacity and finances, facilitate the actions required for filling these gaps, and determine the budgetary needs;
(iv) to provide a range of cost-effective recommendations to improve data availability and glacier observation capacity in the region;
(v) to raise awareness of the project results with the general public, especially decision-makers in the key water user sectors which coild be affected by hydrological changes associated with the glacier retreat.

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