

Improving Capacities to Eliminate and Prevent Recurrence of Obsolete Pesticides as a Model for Tackling Unused Hazardous Chemicals in the Former Soviet Union

Contribute towards better protection of environment and public health in the ENPI East region and Central Asia, through reducing the risk posed by hazardous waste and chemical life cycle management in the region, placing specific emphasis on pesticide. Contribute to the reduction of risk to public health and the environment from pesticides in the ENPI East Region, Russian Federation and Central Asia Countries.

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Central Asia – Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation 2014

The objectives of the project are to improve the safety of the uranium legacy sites in Central Asia and to prepare the basis for future remediation works. The actions included comprehensive remediation studies for Mailuu Suu in Kyrgyzstan and the support to the establishment of a fund for financing environmental remediation works in Central Asia.

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Target Awareness-Raising for EU-CA Partnership

Specific project objectives: raising awareness on return and reused water application to eliminate in water resources management; expanding opportunities for cooperation between the EU and CA on environmental management issues by way of raising awareness on the most effective and applicable practices such as the shared environmental information system (SEIS); engagement of the private sector by raising its awareness on sustainable production and consumption (UPC) and energy efficiency (EE) as important elements of public-private partnerships (PPP).

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Greening Economies and implementing Sustainable Consumption and Production in Eastern Europe Caucasus and Central Asia

The main objectives were to expand domestic organic agri-food supply chains and foster foreign organic trade exchanges. The project outcomes, as well as the experiences and lessons learned during its implementation, should offer ideas and demonstrate the opportunities for scaling up a green economy transition across the EECCA region. The ultimate aim of the project was to increase the number of companies and farmers that harness the trade opportunities of organic agriculture.

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