

Improving Access and Strengthening Innovations for Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene in Selected Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Countries and the Caucasus

The knowledge and support technical assistance (TA) will develop a set of technical, institutional, and policy tools to improve access to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) systems for the most underserved communities and populations, including women, vulnerable groups such as children and people with special needs in seven countries within the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) region and Caucasus.
The TA is expected (i) to strengthen WASH components and integration of water, sanitation, hygiene, and health (WASH+H) in projects under Urban Development and Water Division (CWUW) of ADB’s Central and West Asia Department; and (ii) to apply COVID-19 infection prevention and control principles in the preparation and implementation of CWUWs projects, resulting in healthier populations in CAREC region through an inclusive, gender-sensitive, effective, and sustainable approach.

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Green Central Asia: Transboundary dialogue on climate, environment and security in Central Asia and Afghanistan

The Green Central Asia Regional Programme aims at improving access to information and risk analyses in order to enable participating countries to assess the impact of climate change more accurately and to take preventive measures. At the same time, dialogue fora and workshops are meant to increase states´ resilience and decision-makers’ ability to adequately address security hazards resulting from climate change at national and regional level.
It promotes conflict prevention and trans-boundary cooperation. Support is also provided to develop the capacity of partner institutions in the field of environmental management.

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Climate Risk Manageent

The project aims to strengthen institutional capacity and cross-border cooperation among Central Asian countries. The programme contributes to the nationally-agreed Sustainable Development Goals on climate change adaptation (SDG 13) and peace and security (SDG 16).
The project advises watershed associations, a regional disaster management centre and stakeholders from individual watershed councils to develop capacity for transboundary water-related climate risk reduction.
It is planned that together with the Green Central Asia project, the module will support the Executive Committee of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (EC IFAS) in relation to transboundary water management in the light of climate change. The high level policy dialogue processes organised by Green Central Asia are supported by the project through national and regional policy dialogue projects and thus a regional agenda is achieved to identify common approaches (output level).

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Asia: Transboundary dialogue on climate, environment and security in Central Asia

The aim of ‘Green Central Asia’ is to develop a political dialogue and consequently create better access to information and data in order to enable countries to assess the impact of climate change more accurately and to develop cooperative preventive measures. The target group of the Initiative consists of the foreign ministries (and, through them, the respective institutions responsible for climate and environmental resources, including educational and research institutions) of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

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Regional Water and Vulnerable Environment Activity

The project is to improve stability, economic prosperity, and healthy ecosystems by establishing:
Well-trained human capital and strengthened educational institutions that address both integrated water resources management (IWRM) and the water-energy-food-environment (WEFE) nexus.
Sustainable river basin councils that promote cooperation over transboundary rivers for mutual economic benefit.
Enhanced national and regional initiatives that address transboundary water cooperation with focus on benefit sharing.

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KAZREF II – Borey Wind

The project will support Kazakhstan in its objective to increase the share of renewable energy in the energy mix, contribute to reducing Kazakhstan’s carbon intensity, and address the country’s increasing electricity demand.
This will be a first stage of a larger 206MW project to be developed over the next few years by the Sungrow. The wind farm will be connected to the national grid via a 42-km long overhead powerline to the existing 110kV KEGOC substation Shygys.

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Ust-Kamenogorsk Solid Waste Management

The project aims at the modernisation of the solid waste management (SWM) system in the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk (the City) to finance (i) the construction of an EU standards compliant sanitary landfill and (ii) the construction of a biological solid waste treatment facility at the new landfill site.
The Project will reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, increase waste recycling and recovery rates and improve environmental, health and safety standards. The Project will also promote long-term O&M contractual arrangements with private sector participants, sustainability and better quality of SWM services and improve governance and contractual arrangements.

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Strengthening disaster resilience and accelerating implementation of Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction in Central Asia

The joint initiative with UNDRR aims to build disaster and climate resilience in Central Asia. The Action specific objective is to increase use of risk and disaster data in decision and policy making. Thus, the Result area is focused on: building the foundations for greater resilience in Central Asia through data, capacity, governance and cooperation at regional, national and local level. It will support the Almaty-based Centre Centre for Emergency Situations and Disaster Risk Reduction.

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