

National Reporting Systems (NRS)

The National Reporting System has been developed to make it easier to take stock of the environment. Those in government responsible for collecting data, indicators and reporting to MEA’s as well as at the national and regional levels, can now communicate information quickly online.

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Green Economy regional initiative South-South Cooperation in Mongolia and Central Asia countries

This project supports Mongolia and Central Asian countries in developing research capacity on inclusive green economy (IGE) development in Central Asia. The participating countries share socio-economic challenges and environmental issues such as land degradation, water scarcity, energy inefficiency, and waste production, and by facilitating South-South Cooperation, this project promotes the sharing of good practices and methodologies to help countries embark on Green Economy trajectories.. South-South Cooperation is a broad framework for collaboration and exchange among countries of the South in the political, economic, social, cultural, environmental and technical domains. Part of the value of South-South Cooperation lays in its primary purpose to empower countries to shape home-grown responses rather than relying on external interventions to development problems.

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Supporting Kazakhstan’s Transition to a Green Economy Model

Contribute to thelong-term sustainable economic development of Kazakhstan through supporting the country’s transition to a Green Economy modes, reflecting 3 components: (i) water resources management; (ii) modernized environmental governance system with focus on water resources and climate change;(iii) pilot actions at local level focused on water and climate change issues.

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Golden Altai for local development Golden Altaiwealth for local development

Foster sustainable rural tourism (SRT) in the region as an innovative way for socio-economic development and poverty reduction.. Objective to be reached through strengthening capacity and cooperation of non-state actors, local authorities and other stakeholders for SRT development, and involving vulnerable groups in socio-economic initiatives related to SRT, promoting the attractiveness of the region for tourists and investors, popularizing a SRT-based development model.

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IFCA grant in support of the EIB window of the Kazakhstan Sustainable Energy Financing Facility (”KazSEFF”)

Finance a) credit enhancement support provided with the EIB financing and made available to participating financial intermediaries in Kazakhstan, for their on-lending to eligible subborrowers; b) TA assesed the needs of the Partner Banks with respect to institution and capacity building to transfer expertise related to energy efficiency lending and assessing the risk and creditworthiness of clients for energy efficiency/renewable energy loans

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