

Climate Risk Management in Central Asia (CA-CRM)

Promotion of reduction of climate-related disasters and adaptation to climate change in the region of Central Asia. Improving the availability and accessibility of Climate Risk Management data and information in Central Asia, and facilitation of structured learning and information sharing and collaboration among stakeholders.

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Integrated approaches to the development of climate friendly economies in CA

Supporting Central Asian (CA) countries in developing a comprehensive policy framework for mitigating climate change and assist them to re-orient their economic development in a low carbon, climate friendly way. To achieve this complex goal, the project: (i) developed NAMA for each country in cooperation with national experts and provided respective advice to governments, (ii) elaborated tool kits (blue prints) for sectors which are most relevant to accomplish climate friendly development in CA countries and (iii) strenghthend the relevant regional networks by capacity building and through the transfer of respective technologies. Regional cooperation enhanced through continous exchange of experiences in the design of policies and development of implementation measures between all partners involved.

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Up scaling of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) with the World Bank “Rural Enterprise Support Project” RESPII (Phase 2)

SDC’s contribution focused on the soft component of this major World Bank (WB) irrigation project, and further promoted Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), strengthend capacities of 7 Administrations of Irrigation Systems (AIS) and 65 Water Consumer Associations (WCA), established and equips 62 Farmer Field Schools (FFS) to disseminate best water saving practices.
Farmer Field School plots are managed by the farmer communities to demonstrate irrigation water saving techniques as well as related farming practices and agricultural improvements. The reorganized along the hydrographic boundaries Associations are responsible for operation and maintenance of their on-farm systems and the demand based distribution of irrigation water among farmers and other water users in a participatory and transparent way.
The project consisted of four components financed by the Government of Uzbekistan, the World Bank and the SDC.
1 – Rural Enterprise Finance is a credit line for farmers provided through participating financial institutions.
2 – Irrigation and Drainage is aimed at achieving improved irrigation water management and service delivery, through the rehabilitation of critical inter-farm and on-farm irrigation and drainage infrastructure. It also supported 65 Water Consumers’ Associations (WCA) and provide a pilot demonstration of applied modern water management techniques in 7 districts selected by the project. This component ws divided into three subcomponents, two of which were funded by Switzerland.
3 – Rural Training and Advisory Services covers the entire area of the 7 provinces selected for RESP II. Within this component training and advisory services to farmers outside of the pilot districts were provided.
4 – Project Management component was designed to implement, monitor and oversee all project operations.

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Stakeholder Engagement for Uranium Legacy Remediation in Central Asia

Engage stakeholders in remediation efforts to obtain their support for the remediation works, through involvement and informing of stakeholders concerning uranium legacy sites remediation in order to clearly demonstrate the benefits for the population involved as well as to inform about the positive impact on public health and the environment.

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Preparation of a biodiversity conservation strategic approach Asia: Central Asia component

Identify the principal threats to biodiversity in Central Asia and the most appropriate responses from the EU. Building on lessons learned from past and current activities, and taking due account of the urgencies, the study proposed a coherent strategic approach outlining a suite of interventions that enable EU, as well as other donors which could adhere to it, through pragmatic well-targeted activities, to engage in effective, well-articulated and complementary interventions for biodiversity conservation

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