

SWITCH-Asia and Central Asia II – Promoting Sustainable Consumption and Production

Through its grants, SWITCH funds pilot projects helping companies to adopt cleaner industrial practices and helping consumers to adopt more responsible lifestyles. The evidence provided by projects will feed into policy discussions with national governments supporting them in improving their national strategies and regulatory frameworks contributing to their economic growth while decoupling it from environmental impacts. A budget for grants making up EUR 13 million has been allocated specifically to Central Asia. 7 ongoing grants (2020-2023) on SCP practices such as energy efficiency and certifications, Corporate Social Responsibility, eco-labelling and waste in the agri-food, touristic and textiles and leather sector. The EU SWITCH Asia has been operated since 14 years and currently 24 countries.

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Strengthening Financial Resilience and Accelerating Risk Reduction in Central Asia

The objective of the Trust Fund is to improve financial resilience and risk informed investment planning towards building disaster and climate resilience in Central Asia. The activities will be implemented in 5 CA countries and focused on: 1-Quantifying Regional Dis. Risks and Capacity Building on Risk Identification 2-Establishing Fundamental Awareness and Capacities for Financial Resilience at National and Regional Lenvel and 3-Exposure Mapping for Improved Risk Analysis & Disaster Management

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Regional Approaches for Combating Sand and Dust Storms and Drought

The ultimate goal of the project is to enable an environment for coordinated action and data sharing at national and regional levels and informed decision-making in addressing drought and SDS risks in Central Asian Region. To this end, a Regional Drought Risk Management Strategy for Central Asia (under Component 1) and a Regional Framework and Strategy to Combat Sand and Dust Storms (under Component 2) will be developed.

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Implementation of SCP practices and sustainability schemes in the MSMEs of the Tourism Sector in Kazakhstan (SUSTOUKA)

Enhances sustainability and competitiveness of the tourism sector through support to MSMEs by developing green business approaches and access to green finance. Contributes to resource efficiency in the tourism accommodation sector and supports implementation of sustainability certification systems.The specific objectives include:
Better equip MSMEs to seize opportunities for green business development;
Promote green consumption and better informed public and private consumers;
Advocate for clearer and more efficient SCP policies;
Make green financing more accessible to MSMEs.

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A model for sustainable tourism in Central Asia

Promotes sustainable tourism in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan through implementation of ISO standards related to green procurement and eco-labeling. Elaborates Guidelines on sustainable consumption, including usage of water, energy and recyclable waste. Promotes the sharing of the EU best practices such as legislative frameworks and regulations, while applying needed ICT and marketing tools.

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Regional Water and Vulnerable Environment activity

Target basins: Syr Darya and Amu Darya

Objective 1
Human capital and educational institutions that address both IWRM and WEF nexus issues
Objective 2
Basin Councils that are sustainable and promote cooperation for mutual economic benefit
Objective 3
Regional and national initiatives that support transboundary water cooperation and address governance needs
Objective 4
Actions that address regional and national environmental challenges

Key Result
Technical capacity and regional cooperation will be strengthened for the management of shared water resources, regional security, economic prosperity, and a healthy environment.

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City Almaty Sustainable Transport

The objective of the project is to reduce the growth of the transport-related greenhouse gas emissions in the City of Almaty, while simultaneously improving urban environmental conditions by 1) improving the management of public
transportation and air quality in Almaty; 2) building capacity in Almaty to holistically plan and implement improvements in the efficiency and quality of public transport; 3) building capacity to holistically plan and implement integrated traffic management measures in Almaty City; and 4) implementing a demonstration project that raises
awareness and increases knowledge of sustainable transport.

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Development and Implementation of Information System on the Monitoring of Biodiversity in Pilot Specially Protected Natural Areas (SPNA) in the Republic of Kazakhstan

The goal of the project is to improve the biodiversity monitoring system by means of creation of a database using GIS-technologies.

Ecosystem types and biodiversity species linked to the ecosystems as their habitat will serve as the foundation for the database. Ecosystemic approach helps to assess the ecological potential of the habitats and the way of diversity distribution of flora and fauna, and to determine the degree and mode of disturbance and threats to the biotic environment.

As a result, the proposed monitoring system will create the basis for economically and scientifically justified decision-making in the field of management and conservation of flora and fauna resources.

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Development of Kazakhstan’s National Communication to the UNFCCC and Biennial Report

The project will enable Kazakhstan to prepare and submit its Seventh National Communication (7NC) and Biennial Report (BR) to the Conference of Parties (CoP) of the UNFCCC in accordance with its commitments as a Party as mandated by Article 12 of the Convention and subsequent CoP decisions. The project will update the information provided regarding national circumstances, inventories of greenhouse gases, policies and measures undertaken to mitigate climate change, assessments of vulnerability to climate change and steps taken to adapt, and information on public awareness, education, training, systematic research and observation, and technology transfer. The project will also increase the national technical and institutional capacities in preparing the NC/BR and assisting the Government to integrate climate change issues into sectoral and national development priorities.

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