

Environment and Security assessment in the Ferghana Valley region

An in-depth (phase II) assessment of the region was initiated in May 2004 with the main objective to assess and communicate information on environment & security hotspots in the Ferghana-Osh-Khudjand triangle with focus on transboundary risks from human activities, in particular industrial hot spots (hazardous waste, risks for accidents and spillages, including radioactive waste poorly stored or completely abandoned), pressure on natural resources (land degradation, deforestation, ownership; water quality, usage and sharing) and crosscutting issues such as natural disasters or the impacts of climate change on the region.

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Promoting IWRM and Fostering Transboundary Dialogue in Central Asia

Establish national processes and institutional mechanisms in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, and strengthen transboundary dialogue, knowledge exchange and coordination in Central Asia to strategically plan, manage and utilize water resources in an integrated and efficient manner. Support the development of National IWRM plans for Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, and promote the linkage with similar on-going (Kazakhstan) and emerging (Uzbekistan) activities as well as transboundary dialogue and coordination in Central Asia in general. Based on the recently established “Roadmaps for Speeding up IWRM Planning” in Central Asia (UNEP-UCC & GWP, 2006)

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Water Governance in Central Asia

To contribute to the reduction of pollution, to fair sharing and effective use of scarce water resources, to improve the quality of shared water resources. Provide further advancement of IWRM. Initiatives supporting the national water and environment codes in implementation of IWRM planning concepts; Provisions on institutional arrangements that enable IWRM planning, including mechanisms for stakeholder participation;

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