

Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan: The Pakhta-abad Canal Pilot Project

Demonstration of cost effective technologies and automation system, water control and water management. (water level recorders, gates positioning devices; 3) at a cooperative farm, which links the management of the automated Pakhta-abad canal with farmers’ irrigation needs; 4) train. Initiate on-farm water management pilot project.

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Natural Resources Management Project (NRMP)

Increased management capacity in the natural resources sectors. Provide support to the National Hydrometeorological Services (NHMS) to strengthen their capacity to prepare accurate regional seasonal runoff forecasts for the Syr Darya and Amu Darya River systems.

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Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)

Overarching objective of the project is to provide an adequate amount of water to all water consumers. 1) identify options for integrated water management improvements, including institutional frameworks; 2) to demonstrate applicability of the options developed; 3) capacity building of WUAs; and develop a pilot legal framework; and 4) make recommendations to replicate best practice. Establishment of a conceptual base for introducing IWRM in Fergana valley

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