

Osh Water and Wastewater Rehabilitation

The Osh Water and Wastewater Rehabilitation Sub-Project comprises a €3 million sovereign loan. The proceeds of the loan would be on-lent to the water company. The sub-project, which will be co-financed by SECO, will address urgently needed water and wastewater infrastructure rehabilitation needs.

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Conflict prevention and support to bilateral cooperation in transboundary water management in the Isfara River basin

The overall project objective is to prevent conflicts and support strengthened bilateral cooperation in transboundary water management in the Isfara River basin as the means to improve local livelihoods and prevent environmental degradation in the basin. The intended outputs are: (i) strengthened transboundary mechanisms (policies, institutions, practices etc.) for effective water management; and (ii) improved local cooperation and confidence-building in border areas.

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On farm water management project (SEP)

SEP is abbreviation from Kyrgyz – Suunu Effectivduu Paidalanuu – Effcient Use of Water.
SEP project is aimed at empowering and enabling farmers to apply advanced water saving irrigation technologies. Starting from 2011 SEP is closely collaborating with Water Users Associations (WUA) and aimed at capacity building of WUA, improved cooperation between several WUA of one river basin and cooperation with the state water department and AO as well.
SEP has also a component on market testing of drip irrigation technology. Drip irrigation systems sourced from India and China are marketed on local market according to value/supply chain approach.

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Geo-environmental security of the Toktogul hydroelectric power station

This project aimed to assess, using a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach, the geo-environmental security status of the region centred on the Toktogul reservoir scheme. The project also formulated scenarios of potential threats to the geoenvironmental security of the Toktogul region and produce recommendations for mitigation measures to ensure the highest levels of security in the future.

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FinWaterWEI –Programme for Finland’s Water Sector Support to the EECCA Countries under the Wider Europe Initiative

The overall objective of the programme is to ensure sustainable water management in Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus and Central Asia. FinWater WEI’s purpose is to reduce water disputes inside and between countries and to improve water supply and sanitation through improved education, increased investment and better alignment of water management with the UNECE Water Convention and its Water and Health Protocol.

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A comprehensive study on glacial melting in Central Asia

The project goals were:
(i) to synthesise the information presently available on glacial melting in Central Asia;
(ii) to model the impacts of a range of climate change scenarios on glacial melting on water supply in the major river basins in Central Asia for the period 2009-2100 using the best available information;
(iii) to identify the gaps in knowledge, data, observation capacity and finances, facilitate the actions required for filling these gaps, and determine the budgetary needs;
(iv) to provide a range of cost-effective recommendations to improve data availability and glacier observation capacity in the region;
(v) to raise awareness of the project results with the general public, especially decision-makers in the key water user sectors which coild be affected by hydrological changes associated with the glacier retreat.

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