

Revision of the “National Strategic Plans on Biodiversity” (NBSAP)

Countries have highlighted the need for support to create national targets and indicators linked to Aichi targets 1, 2 and 4 under strategic goal A of the global Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and Action 7 of the Pan-European 2020 Strategy for Biodiversity. Therefore, there is a request from countries to build capacity for a better understanding of ecosystem services and their values and how to integrate these values into policy making through their NBSAPs.

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Environment Protection for Sustainable Development

The goal of the Project is to support and strengthen capacity of state institutions and civil society of the Kyrgyz Republic for integration of environment sustainability and climate change resilience into pro-poor (socio-economic) development policies and programmes through: 1. Promotion of approaches to Low Carbon (Emission) Development; 2. Support to country transition to climate resilient economies and ecosystems via development of climate change adaptation strategies. 3. Integration of principles of sustainability into selected sectoral natural resources management and local development plans

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