

EU Support to Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia (SECCA)

This is the first dedicated and sizeable programme in years to focus on sustainable energy in Central Asia (covering both renewable energy and energy efficiency) through a regional approach. It will naturally be in line with EU best practices and priorities, not least the Green Deal’s iterations.

The programme will have a range of activities that will work towards achieving concrete outputs to strengthen public capacity (institutional, human and regulatory, financial), raise awareness, improve data and modelling, improve the identification of bankable projects, and boost regional cooperation thereby paving the way for sustainable connectivity. To be implemented by 1 service contractor (possibly leading a consortium of consultancies). The programme follows the EU4Energy Programme (2016 – 2020).

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EU4Energy – Support to Energy Policy in EaP and Central Asia countries

Supports the elaboration and implementation of evidence-based energy policies in Eastern Partnership and Central Asian countries, based on improved use of statistics and sharing of best practice and EU experience. It is being implemented by the International Energy Agency (IEA), the Energy Community Secretariat, and the Energy Charter Secretariat (total budget 19.3 MEUR). Central Asia benefits from activites under the components on data, policy and WebPortal, all implemented by the IEA (total 12.1 MEUR for EiP + CA). EU4Energy Phase 2 to be launched by DG NEAR in 2020/2021 in the EaP countries, whereas the EU Support to Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia (SECCA) will continue and accelerate the good work done in Central Asia, this time enlarging the focus on strengthening public capacity, awareness raising, data and modelling, and identification of investments.

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Electricity Supply Accountability and Reliability Improvement Project

The objective of the Electricity Supply Accountability and Reliability Improvement Project for Kyrgyz Republic is to improve the reliability of electricity supply in the project area and strengthen the governance of Severelectro’s operations. There are three components to the project, the first component being distribution infrastructure strengthening. This component will help improve power supply reliability and reduce losses in the distribution network by supporting priority investments to strengthen the distribution infrastructure of SE. The targeted assets are part of a comprehensive investment plan prepared during the project preparation, and are selected based on their potential for reducing losses and improving power supply reliability. The second component is the customer service and corporate management system improvement. This component will provide SE with information tools to improve quality of services provided to its customers (power supply and commercial matters), and to enhance overall efficiency of its performance in all business areas. Finally, the third component is the institutional strengthening and project implementation support. This component will support two key activities for the smooth implementation of the project and sustainability of project outcomes: (i) implementation support for project management, including monitoring and evaluation and incremental operating expenses of the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) under SE; and (ii) technical assistance to SE to improve its business processes, strengthen its governance and make the company more customer focused.

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Energy Sector Development Policy Operation

The Energy Sector Development Policy Operation for Kyrgyz is requesting financing to improve the financial viability of the energy sector, enhance its governance and accountability while managing the impact of power shortages on poor regions. Accordingly, the proposed operation supports government efforts in the following three areas: 1. Improving financial viability of the sector; 2. Enhancing sector governance, transparency and accountability; and 3. Managing the impact of power shortages on poor regions. The program is at the core of the national Power Sector Development Strategy 2012-2017 and is fully aligned with the objectives of the Country Partnership Strategy for 2013-2017 and the World BankÂ’s objective to reduce poverty and promote shared prosperity. The proposed operation incorporates the following key lessons: (i) support complex and politically difficult reforms through a dedicated sector DPO; (ii) concentrate on few policy areas that are fundamental for addressing sector key challenges and have full ownership of the Government; and (iii) complement the DPO with other instruments for Bank support, including investment project financing, technical assistance and economic and sector work.

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Sustainable Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project

The objectives of the Additional Financing for the Sustainable Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Development Project are to assist the Kyrgyz Republic: (i) to improve access and quality of water supply and sanitation services in the participating rural communities; and (ii) to strengthen the capacity of the recipient’s institutions in the water supply and sanitation sector. The Additional Financing (AF) responds to the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic’s (GoKR) request via letter dated December 1, 2016, to scale up the scope of the original activities, target beneficiaries and the resulting development effectiveness of the original project. In addition to the additional financing, management has approved the second order restructuring consisting of: a revision of the results framework, including targets, as necessary, to capture results of the expanded scope of activities to be financed under the AF; and a three-year extension of the original closing date from June 30, 2022 to June 30, 2025 to ensure sufficient time for the completion of additional activities within the framework of the AF, including a one-year period of post-construction operational assistance in the project areas.

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Sustainable Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Development Project – Additional Financing

The objectives of the Additional Financing for the Sustainable Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Development Project are to assist the Kyrgyz Republic: (i) to improve access and quality of water supply and sanitation services in the participating rural communities; and (ii) to strengthen the capacity of the recipient’s institutions in the water supply and sanitation sector. The Additional Financing (AF) responds to the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic’s (GoKR) request via letter dated December 1, 2016, to scale up the scope of the original activities, target beneficiaries and the resulting development effectiveness of the original project. In addition to the additional financing, management has approved the second order restructuring consisting of: a revision of the results framework, including targets, as necessary, to capture results of the expanded scope of activities to be financed under the AF; and a three-year extension of the original closing date from June 30, 2022 to June 30, 2025 to ensure sufficient time for the completion of additional activities within the framework of the AF, including a one-year period of post-construction operational assistance in the project areas.

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Heat Supply Improvement Project

The development objective of Heat Supply Improvement Project for Kyrgyz Republic is to improve the efficiency and quality of heating in selected Project areas. This project consists of three components. 1) The first component, Improving supply efficiency and quality of the District Heating (DH) system in Bishkek, aims to support priority investments and capacity building activities aimed at improving the supply efficiency and quality of the DH system in Bishkek. It has the following two subcomponents: (i) Priority investment program for DH rehabilitation; and (ii) Operational capacity strengthening and Project implementation support for Bishkekteploset (BTS). 2) The second component, Piloting efficient and clean heating stoves, aims to pilot efficient and clean heating solutions for households that don’t have access to DH and are relying on traditional, inefficient and polluting solid fuel-fired heating stoves and Low pressure boilers (LPBs). It has the following two subcomponents: (i) Incentive program for low income households; and (ii) Stimulation of production and use of efficient and clean stoves. 3) The third component, Demonstrating the benefits of energy efficiency improvements in public buildings, aims to support the Government’s Action Plan on reducing electricity consumption in public buildings by improving their energy efficiency and will help to build local market capacity in preparing and implementing energy efficient and seismic building retrofits. It has the following two subcomponents: (i) Energy efficiency investments in public buildings; and (ii) Project implementation support for Agentstvo Razvitiya I Investirovanya Soobschtv Kyrgyzkoi Respubliki (ARIS).

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USAID Regional Water and Vulnerable Environment

The program covers the five countries of Central Asia and Afghanistan and will strengthen regional cooperation on the management of shared water resources in the Syr Darya and Amu Darya river basins. Water, energy, and food security are tightly interlinked in Central Asia, forming a resource nexus that transcends the borders of the five Central Asian states of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. The goal of the USAID Regional Water and Vulnerable Environment Activity is to strengthen regional capacity to manage shared water resources and mitigate environmental risks in the Syr Darya Amu Darya River basins. The Activity takes a multi-level governance approach to tackling complex regional water challenges by strengthening collaboration through stakeholder dialogues; developing a shared vision for integrated and sustainable river basin management using evidence and modeling; and fostering collaborative action across sectors and governance levels.

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