

Rational and efficient use of energy and water resources in Central Asia

To promote the rational and efficient use of energy and water resources in the economies of Central Asia. Increase in skills of national decision makers and experts in rational and efficient use of energy and water resources; Ability of member States to engage in cooperative and negotiated approaches to solving transboundary issues.

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Сеть гражданского общества для доступа к информации, принятию решений и доступу к правосудию по вопросам, связанным с окружающей средой

Вклад в дальнейшие демократические реформы в Кыргызской Республике. Укрепление институционального потенциала гражданского общества для защиты права на здоровую окружающую среду

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Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and transboundary dialogue in Central Asia

Establish national processes and institutional mechanisms in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, and strengthen transboundary dialogue, knowledge exchange and coordination in Central Asia to strategically plan, manage and utilize water resources in an integrated and efficient manner. Support the development of National IWRM plans for Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, and promote the linkage with similar on-going (Kazakhstan) and emerging (Uzbekistan) activities as well as transboundary dialogue and coordination in Central Asia in genera

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