

Technical Assistance on institutional capacity assessment and awareness-raising on climate change in Tajikistan

Produce an assessment of Tajikistan’s institutional, technical and human capacity to mainstream climate change considerations in key policy areas, with particular focus on the requirements for implementing the SPRC; and to Conduct an initial awareness raising campaign aimed at building capacity on climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation

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Water quality in Central Asia

To contribute to the development of efficient and coordinated national policies with regard to water quality aspects of integrated water resources management in Central Asia.

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Strengthening cooperation on hydrology and environment between Afghanistan and Tajikistan in the upper Amu Darya River basin

The objective of the project is to support the establishment of long-term cooperation between the two countries on hydrology and environment. The aim is also to improve the understanding of and access to information about the water resources and environmental conditions in the upper Amu Darya Basin for relevant stakeholders in the whole basin.

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The Central Asian Countries Initiative for Land Management (CACILM)

The goal was to combat land degradation and improve rural livelihoods in the CACs. The objective was to establish the Central Asian Initiative for Land Management (CACILM), a multi-country and donor partnership to support the development and implementation of national level programmatic frameworks for more comprehensive and integrated approaches to sustainable land management in the region. The CACILM is a 10-year, multicountry, multidonor program promoting SLM to restore, maintain, and enhance productivity of Drylands. The goal of CACILM was to combat land degradation while also improving rural livelihoods across the region. It was anticipated that in the second and third phase significantly more resources could be invested in SLM-related activities in the Kyrgyz Republic, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, by the partnership of national governments, the GEF, implementing agencies, and other donors.

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Central Tajikistan Water Rehabilitation Project

The EBRD provided a loan to finance a programme of priority capital investments, to improve the municipal water services in the Central Tajik cities of Gissar, Shachrinav, Somoniyon, and Turzonzoda. The overall objectives of this Project are to: (i) rehabilitate the water supply system and, where applicable, allow selected wastewater improvements; (b) improve both billing and collection; and (c) improve financial and operational management.

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Conflict prevention and support to bilateral cooperation in transboundary water management in the Isfara River basin

The overall project objective is to prevent conflicts and support strengthened bilateral cooperation in transboundary water management in the Isfara River basin as the means to improve local livelihoods and prevent environmental degradation in the basin. The intended outputs are: (i) strengthened transboundary mechanisms (policies, institutions, practices etc.) for effective water management; and (ii) improved local cooperation and confidence-building in border areas.

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