

Water Supply and Sanitation Investment

The project development objective (PDO) is to improve access to safely managed water supply services in selected districts; and to s trengthen the capacity of institutions in the water supply and sanitation sector for improved service delivery.
The aim of the project is to provide essential water supply services in the selected rural and peri-urban areas of south-western Khatlon region, considering the expected impacts of changes in precipitation patterns and other relevant climate factors on the targeted project areas. In this way, the project intends to make the targeted communities more resilient to the climate change-exacerbated risk of floods, droughts, and rising temperatures.
The project consists of four components: Component 1 will finance a range of activities targeting
ISCB of water sector institutions at national, regional, and local levels to ensure sustainable service provision in the project area. Component 2 will finance implementation of WSS infrastructure solutions that will be simple and robust, include climate resilience measures, and will be structured along two parts: Subcomponent 2A will support water infrastructure investments and Subcomponent 2B will target upgrade of WASH facilities in social institutions. Component 3 will support project management and Monitoring, and Component 4 is a CERC. The components are designed to maximize climate change adaptation measures.

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Preparedness and Resilience to Disasters

Disaster recovery will pursue the urgent reconstruction of priority roads and bridges in Khatlon damaged during the May-July 2021 floods and mudflows, which the GoRT has not been able to finance out of its own resources. These will re-establish resilient local and regional connectivity and access to markets and services and be rehabilitated using climate- and disaster-resilient designs, materials and works.

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Delivering a Climate Change Strategy for Central and West Asia

This knowledge and support technical assistance (TA) will support the delivery of a Climate Change Strategy and an Action Plan for Central and West Asia to strengthen integration of climate change considerations in Asian Development Banks (ADB) financed interventions in the developing member countries (DMCs) of the region. It will prepare robust climate mitigation and adaptation pipelines aligned with the Paris Agreement and responsive to DMCs climate change priorities. The TA will support interventions on departmental, sectoral and country levels with key activities including development of a regional strategy, upstream climate assessments, climate pipeline development, government dialogues and capacity building.

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Improving Access and Strengthening Innovations for Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene in Selected Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Countries and the Caucasus

The knowledge and support technical assistance (TA) will develop a set of technical, institutional, and policy tools to improve access to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) systems for the most underserved communities and populations, including women, vulnerable groups such as children and people with special needs in seven countries within the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) region and Caucasus.
The TA is expected (i) to strengthen WASH components and integration of water, sanitation, hygiene, and health (WASH+H) in projects under Urban Development and Water Division (CWUW) of ADB’s Central and West Asia Department; and (ii) to apply COVID-19 infection prevention and control principles in the preparation and implementation of CWUWs projects, resulting in healthier populations in CAREC region through an inclusive, gender-sensitive, effective, and sustainable approach.

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Green Central Asia: Transboundary dialogue on climate, environment and security in Central Asia and Afghanistan

The Green Central Asia Regional Programme aims at improving access to information and risk analyses in order to enable participating countries to assess the impact of climate change more accurately and to take preventive measures. At the same time, dialogue fora and workshops are meant to increase states´ resilience and decision-makers’ ability to adequately address security hazards resulting from climate change at national and regional level.
It promotes conflict prevention and trans-boundary cooperation. Support is also provided to develop the capacity of partner institutions in the field of environmental management.

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Climate Risk Manageent

The project aims to strengthen institutional capacity and cross-border cooperation among Central Asian countries. The programme contributes to the nationally-agreed Sustainable Development Goals on climate change adaptation (SDG 13) and peace and security (SDG 16).
The project advises watershed associations, a regional disaster management centre and stakeholders from individual watershed councils to develop capacity for transboundary water-related climate risk reduction.
It is planned that together with the Green Central Asia project, the module will support the Executive Committee of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (EC IFAS) in relation to transboundary water management in the light of climate change. The high level policy dialogue processes organised by Green Central Asia are supported by the project through national and regional policy dialogue projects and thus a regional agenda is achieved to identify common approaches (output level).

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Rural Electrification Project

The development objective of the Rural Electrification Project for Tajikistan is to provide electricity access to target settlements in Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast (GBAO) and Khatlon regions of Tajikistan. The project comprises of two components. The first component, provision of electricity access to target settlements in GBAO region consists of following sub-components: (i) construction of micro-grids, and connection of consumers to micro-grids and centralized distribution network of Pamir Energy Company (PEC); and (ii) project implementation support to PEC, technical assistance for additional geological site investigation works for Sebzor hydropower plant (HPP), and promotion of energy efficiency. The second component, provision of electricity access to target settlements in Khatlon region consists of following sub-components: (i) connection of target settlements to the centralized distribution network of Barqi Tojik (BT); and (ii) project implementation support to BT.

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Tajikistan Power Utility Financial Recovery

The development objective of Power Utility Financial Recovery Program for Results Project for Tajikistan are to improve the financial viability, increase the reliability of electricity supply, and strengthen the governance of Barqi Tojik (BT). The government program for financial recovery of BT includes policy, financial, and operational measures aimed at improving the financial viability of BT and increasing reliability of electricity supply. The part of the government program supported under the program-for-results (PforR) will cover the key measures across all four groups. The PforR supports results in three areas: (i) achievement of financial viability of BT; (ii) ensuring electricity supply reliability by BT; and (c) strengthening of BT governance and improvement of transparency.

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Nurek Hydropower Rehabilitation Project Phase 2

The objective of the Second Phase of Nurek Hydropower Rehabilitation Project for Tajikistan is to rehabilitate and increase the generating capacity of six power generating units of Nurek Hydropower plant (HPP) and improve their efficiency. The project has two components. Component 1: Rehabilitation of six generating units and related penstocks, and strengthening of Nurek HPP capacity to operate and maintain the power plant will consist of two sub-components. Sub-component 1.1: Rehabilitation of six generating units will finance: (a) rehabilitation of six power generating units, including generators, turbines, main inlet valves, and transformers, and supply of spare parts to ensure sustainable operation of rehabilitated units; and (b) rehabilitation of penstocks related to six units to be rehabilitated. Sub-component 1.2: Rehabilitation of Nurek bridge, the powerhouse, and other building and strengthening of Nurek HPP capacity to operate and maintain the power plant will finance: (a) rehabilitation of Nurek bridge; (b) rehabilitation of the powerhouse and some other buildings/structures at Nurek HPP that may require rehabilitation; and (c) purchase of machinery, including excavators, forklift trucks, truck cranes, required for maintenance of the power plant. Component 2: Technical assistance will support implementation of the project and strengthen the institutional capacity of Barqi Tojik (BT) by supporting the following. (a) Additional Project Management Consultant (PMC) costs that may be required to assist BT with the review of designs, bidding, quality control and construction supervision of the project. (b) Technical, economic, financial, and other studies, which may be required during Project implementation, including, but not limited to hydrologic risk study for the Tajik hydro-dominated energy sector to quantify the financial impact of the dry years

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