Dushanbe Water Supply and Wastewater Project
The objectives of the Dushanbe Water Supply and Wastewater Project for Tajikistan are: (a) to improve reliability of water supply and wastewater services in selected areas in Dushanbe City; and (b) to improve the operational performance of the Dushanbe Water Utility. There are three components to the project, the first component being institutional strengthening, capacity building of DVK and water meters provision. The component will finance the next phase of the institutional-strengthening and capacity-building (ISCB) activities being implemented under DWSP2 and will encompass a scaled-up institutional support to improve the operational and managerial capacity of the DVK in the areas of business planning through development of 5-year business plan that would cover technical, investment planning, operations, organizational restructuring, and human resource management planning aspects, customer relations, financial systems and procedures, and technical capacity of the organization. The second component is the water and wastewater systems improvements. This component will support consultancy services for preparation of engineering designs and construction supervision, and physical investments aimed at improving priority water supply and wastewater systems in Dushanbe City. Finally, the third component is the project management. This component will finance general operating costs of the DVK and its Project Implementation Unit (PIU) to coordinate, implement, administer, and monitor the project. In addition, this component will finance technical assistance to support the PIU to (a) carry out project monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activities, (b) conduct annual audits for the project and DVK, and (c) update the existing communication including citizen engagement measures to apply transparent criteria for the grievance redress mechanisms for the project activities.