

Central Asia Water and Energy Program

The Central Asia Water and Energy Program aims to help six Central Asian countries strengthen the enabling environment to promote water and energy security at the regional level and in beneficiary countries.

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European Union Water Initiative National Policy Dialogues (NPDs) in Central Asia

The project aims at sustaining and further strengthening the on-going intersectoral processes of the European Union Water Initiative (EUWI) NPDs in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. A robust analytical basis will substantiate policy dialogues through “policy packages” defined at the national level and focused on priorities selected by the national governments. Water quality issues in a transboundary context, including with regards to preventing accidental water pollution, are expected to feature high among the priorities. In Turkmenistan, discussions will be organized to re-launch the NPD process. In Uzbekistan, the option of launching an NPD process will be explored.

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Strengthening Financial Resilience and Accelerating Risk Reduction in Central Asia Program

The Program’s objective is to improve financial resilience and risk informed investment planning towards building disaster and climate resilience in Central Asia. Program Operational Components:
1. Quantifying regional disaster risks and capacity building on risk identification through identifying, assessing, mapping and modelling disaster and climate risks.
2. Establishing fundamental awareness and capacities for financial resilience at national and regional levels to selected countries of Central Asia in enhancing awareness and fundamental capacities for financial protection.
3. Exposure mapping for improved risk analysis, disaster risk management and awareness to collect new data on the exposure of assets at local levels to disaster and climate risk and to share and use this data for decision-making at national and sub-national levels for preparedness, risk reduction and risk financing.

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Rational and efficient use of energy and water resources in Central Asia

To promote the rational and efficient use of energy and water resources in the economies of Central Asia. Increase in skills of national decision makers and experts in rational and efficient use of energy and water resources; Ability of member States to engage in cooperative and negotiated approaches to solving transboundary issues.

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