

INOGATE Technical Secretariat & Integrated Programme in support of the Baku Initiative and the Eastern Partnership energy objectives

The overall objective of the proposed programme is to contribute to the progress of the INOGATE Partner Countries in the achievement of the Baku Initiative and the Eastern Partnership objectives. The programme would support a reduction in their dependency on fossil fuels and imports, improvement of the security of their energy supply, and climate change overall mitigation.

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Improving Energy Efficiency in the Residential Building Sector of Turkmenistan

The project helped to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by improving energy management and reducing energy consumption in the residential sector in Turkmenistan. The project aimed at strengthening incentives and capacity to build highly energy-efficient buildings, develop capacity at Turkmengas to identify end-use energy savings in its housing stock and implement investments to reduce end-use energy consumption, introduce improved highly-efficient design measures to major housing designers and developers, and replicate these measures through protocols for energy-saving measures in prototype buildings and through mainstreaming energy-efficiency issues into policies and programs.

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National Biodiversity Planning to Support the Implementation of the CBD 2011-2020 Strategic Plan in Turkmenistan

This project aimed to integrate Turkmenistan’s obligations under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) into its national development and sectoral planning frameworks. This integration was done through renewed and participative biodiversity planning process. More specifically, the project ensured a participatory stocktaking exercise on biodiversity planning to develop national biodiversity targets, to integrate new aspects of the CBD into the national Strategic Action Plan and establish new national framework for resource mobilization, reporting and other aspects of CBD national implementation.

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Capacity building for cooperation on dam safety in Central Asia, Phase III

In the conclusion of Phase II of the project, the need for continued work in the area of dam safety has been underlined by all countries in the region, and the ENVSEC partners have been requested to respond to this need. Important directions for the next phase include development and implementation of national legislation, building capacity of experts, as well as finalization and signing of the cooperation agreement.

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Addressing Climate Change Risks to Farming Systems in Turkmenistan at National and Community Level

The main objective of the project was to strengthen water management practices at both local and national levels in response to climate change-induced water scarcity risks that are increasingly affecting farming systems in Turkmenistan. The project assessed and delivered concrete water adaptation measures to local vulnerable communities in the three typical agro-ecological regions, while also strengthening national level water legislation and pricing to ensure water availability for the non-state sector farmers. This combination of outcomes was ensured that concrete actions implemented through AF resources were sustainable beyond the lifetime of the project.

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Water quality in Central Asia

To contribute to the development of efficient and coordinated national policies with regard to water quality aspects of integrated water resources management in Central Asia.

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The Central Asian Countries Initiative for Land Management (CACILM)

The goal was to combat land degradation and improve rural livelihoods in the CACs. The objective was to establish the Central Asian Initiative for Land Management (CACILM), a multi-country and donor partnership to support the development and implementation of national level programmatic frameworks for more comprehensive and integrated approaches to sustainable land management in the region. The CACILM is a 10-year, multicountry, multidonor program promoting SLM to restore, maintain, and enhance productivity of Drylands. The goal of CACILM was to combat land degradation while also improving rural livelihoods across the region. It was anticipated that in the second and third phase significantly more resources could be invested in SLM-related activities in the Kyrgyz Republic, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, by the partnership of national governments, the GEF, implementing agencies, and other donors.

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