Technology Needs Assessment Phase II Project
The project addressed the same fundamental problem that motivated previous and on-going technology needs assessment efforts – how to accelerate the transfer of environmentally sound technologies to developing country Parties to the UNFCCC. A closely associated issue is how to specify developing country technology needs and plans in ways that could attract adequate levels of investment and technology flows from developed countries, while bringing benefits in terms of climate mitigation and adaptation for local development goals specifically and sustainable development in general.

Regional assessment on climate change and adaptation in mountain regions
The objectives of the project are: State and trends of climate change; Vulnerability of mountain ecosystems to climate change; Climate change adaptation policies and strategies; Policy gap analysis
Priority areas for future action.

Promotion dialogue for conflict prevention related to water nexus in Central Asia. Central Asia Water Nexus Cooperation (CAWECOOP)
Overall objective: To stimulate transboundary trust and high-level, trans-national political involvement in the CA water nexus through the following specific objectives: 1. Building national and regional networks around the water nexus through helping the countries to prepare for major water management events; 2. Promoting the tools contributing to better regional water management, such as remote sensing and modelling; 3. Supporting exchange of experience within Central Asia on topics related to water, land use and energy efficiency; 4. Providing capacity-building for target groups with focus on middle, operational level specialists.

Smart Waters Project
The main goal of the Smart Waters project is to address the knowledge dis-lock in the region in water sector, build working relations among water managers and specialists, and demonstrate the potential of the basin management approach and cooperation with the academia

National Reporting Systems (NRS)
The National Reporting System has been developed to make it easier to take stock of the environment. Those in government responsible for collecting data, indicators and reporting to MEA’s as well as at the national and regional levels, can now communicate information quickly online.

Green Economy regional initiative South-South Cooperation in Mongolia and Central Asia countries
This project supports Mongolia and Central Asian countries in developing research capacity on inclusive green economy (IGE) development in Central Asia. The participating countries share socio-economic challenges and environmental issues such as land degradation, water scarcity, energy inefficiency, and waste production, and by facilitating South-South Cooperation, this project promotes the sharing of good practices and methodologies to help countries embark on Green Economy trajectories.. South-South Cooperation is a broad framework for collaboration and exchange among countries of the South in the political, economic, social, cultural, environmental and technical domains. Part of the value of South-South Cooperation lays in its primary purpose to empower countries to shape home-grown responses rather than relying on external interventions to development problems.

Support to the introduction of Sustainable Development policies – Rational use of natural resources in the energy environment sectors in Turkmenistan
Improve the management of energy resources and contribute to the sustainable development of Turkmenistan, in line with its long-term economic growth objectives, as well as make Turkmenistan aware of EU expertise and approaches to dealing with these issues. Special attention was paid to the negative economic, social and environmental impact of an inefficient use of energy resources.

Support for Further Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in Turkmenistan (Phase III)
Increase the productivity and competitiveness of the agro-food sector through activities aimed to improve the agro-food production, processing and marketing and to strengthen the capacity of Turkmen agriculture institutions.

Turkmenistan Identification Study
Technical assistance in the form of a project identification study which resulted in investments in the municipal infrastructure sector. The Study aimed to identify ways in which IFIs can engage with the municipal infrastructure sector in Turkmenistan, including water, wastewater, solid waste management and district heating.