Water Supply and Sanitation Project
The Water Supply and Sanitation Project aims to: (1) improve infrastructure in administrative zones (etrap centers) and collective farms in the Dashkhovuz administrative region (velayet); and (2) initiate institutional changes to make the project financially and technically sustainable. The project comprises four main components: (a) water supply improvements -to rehabilitate and expand both urban and rural water systems, and supply spare parts and repair materials. Its subcomponents are: repairing and replacing street standpipes and providing new taps; rehabilitating transmission mains, well fields, distribution centers, and installing new electrical systems, mechanical plant, and appropriate chlorinating equipment to reduce water loss and operation and maintenance costs, improve water quality, and extend water supply time; (b) sanitation and health -to improve sanitation facilities and health practices by rehabilitating latrines and installing handwashing basins in schools and markets using community-based approaches; finance buying vehicles and equipment; promote health and hygiene education; improve water quality monitoring and sanitation and hygiene surveillance systems; upgrade laboratories; and improve data collection, analysis and reporting; (c) institutional strengthening -to improve service delivery with technical assistance, building capacity of a specialized regional water supply and wastewater authority, and inform the public; and (d) project management.

Development of effective Integrated Water Resources Management in Two Pilot Sub Catchments of the Aral Sea (ASREWAM)
The project aims at assisting water management organisations in selected pilot sub-catchments to tackle shortfalls in their capacity for IWRM.

Integrated Water Resources Management in Lowlands and Deltas of the Aral Sea Basin
Promotion of transboundary cooperation on IWRM among three countries

Central Asia Regional Water Information Base (CAREWIB)
The project aims to improve the sharing and circulation of information in the water and environmental sectors in Central Asian countries. Improve the sharing and circulation of information in the water and environmental sectors

Promoting IWRM and Fostering Transboundary Dialogue in Central Asia
Establish national processes and institutional mechanisms in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, and strengthen transboundary dialogue, knowledge exchange and coordination in Central Asia to strategically plan, manage and utilize water resources in an integrated and efficient manner. Support the development of National IWRM plans for Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, and promote the linkage with similar on-going (Kazakhstan) and emerging (Uzbekistan) activities as well as transboundary dialogue and coordination in Central Asia in general. Based on the recently established “Roadmaps for Speeding up IWRM Planning” in Central Asia (UNEP-UCC & GWP, 2006)

Strengthening Public Participation and civil society support to implementation of Aarhus Convention
To improve the state of the natural resources at risk in Central Asia through Promoting transboundary cooperation among the Central Asian States by strengthening public participation and civil society

Support to Kyoto Protocol Implementation
To assist the Partner Countries concerned in combating climate change. Reinforced awareness of the stakeholders in relation to climate change.

Water Governance in Central Asia
To contribute to the reduction of pollution, to fair sharing and effective use of scarce water resources, to improve the quality of shared water resources. Provide further advancement of IWRM. Initiatives supporting the national water and environment codes in implementation of IWRM planning concepts; Provisions on institutional arrangements that enable IWRM planning, including mechanisms for stakeholder participation;

Harmonization and Approximation of Water Standards and Norms in Central Asia
Improve water quality and environmental safety of population. Develop the national multi-sector institutional frameworks