

Reduction of substances containing nitrates in the basin of the transboundary river Kara-Darya by demonstrating the effectiveness of alternative biological fertilizers and increasing awareness among the local population

According to the project action plan the following actions have been undertaken:
Introductory seminar for local population and representatives of local government, experts on ecological problems was conducted where were discussed affects of chemical fertilizers to the environment, particularly to Kara Darya river. A wide information campaign aimed to increase public awareness of environment problems, use of alternative bio fertilizers instead of chemicals was conducted. During this campaign more than 2000 booklets, 800 posters, 500 bulletins were published and disseminated in training seminars conducted in villages, 12 agitation billboards were installed, 3 articles describing project activities were published in the local newspaper. In order to demonstrate and introduce alternative natural fertilizers to agriculture practice 3500 liters bio fertilizer were purchased and utilized. The effectiveness of use this nature fertilizer was certified by the analyses conducted by the State Department on chemicals, plant protecting.
As a result of undertaken actions in complex, the nitrate containing substances in trans boundary river Kara Daryare were reduced.

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Cotton Sub-Sector Improvement Project

Monetization the cotton sub-sector. Liberalization of cotton prices, initiation of privatization of the cotton seed industry, and the enhancement of the cotton sub-sector’s foreign exchange earning capacity.

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Pilot Water Supply Project

Improve the design and implementation arrangements for the full scale project through a “learning-by-doing” piloting approach and by incorporating community participation into the planning and implementation process for water supply and distribution. Speed up implementation of the full scale project through early completion of detailed engineering design and preparation of bidding documents.

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Water Supply, Sanitation, and Health Project

Provide safe drinking water along with improved hygiene education and sanitation facilities for the Republic of Karakalpakstan and Khorezm Oblast in Uzbekistan. Reduce water-borne diseases, particularly diarrheal diseases among children; and to strengthen institutional capacity of the regional water supply and sanitation utilities, and the regional health centers and sanitary epidemiology stations.

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Support to CAREC

To promote sub-regional cooperation in the environment in five Central Asian countries and to support civil society development in the region and the sub-region. Reinforcement of CAREC as support to environmental cooperation among CA countries

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Environment and Security assessment in the Ferghana Valley region

An in-depth (phase II) assessment of the region was initiated in May 2004 with the main objective to assess and communicate information on environment & security hotspots in the Ferghana-Osh-Khudjand triangle with focus on transboundary risks from human activities, in particular industrial hot spots (hazardous waste, risks for accidents and spillages, including radioactive waste poorly stored or completely abandoned), pressure on natural resources (land degradation, deforestation, ownership; water quality, usage and sharing) and crosscutting issues such as natural disasters or the impacts of climate change on the region.

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Rapid environment and health risk assessment for 3 selected hazardous waste sites in the Ferghana Valley

The project’s objective were: (i) to conduct a rapid assessment of environment and health transboundary risks originated by industrial sites and hazardous waste dumps located in the Ferghana Valley area, with prioritisation of risks related to individual sites; (ii) to conduct a detailed assessment of risks for selected sites, define provisional offsite contingency plans (OCPs) for the areas affected by the sites investigated, in compliance with European Directives and International Conventions (e.g. UNECE Convention on Industrial Accidents), and conduct pre-feasibility studies for correction/reconstruction measures necessary to prevent/reduce the identified risks; (iii) to contribute to the developing process of capacity building and to promote the public participation on the risk management.

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