Preparatory Assistance for IWRM in Uzbekistan
Development of a National IWRM and Water Supply & Sanitation Strategy for Uzbekistan and fostering transboundary Dialogue on IWRM
Development of a National IWRM and Water Supply & Sanitation Strategy for Uzbekistan and fostering transboundary Dialogue on IWRM
Return the existing Municipal Solid Waste Management System (MSWM) collection and disposal system to a satisfactory level of service. Improve the technical, financial and institutional basis for its future operation and development
To improve the state of the natural resources at risk in Central Asia through Promoting transboundary cooperation among the Central Asian States by strengthening public participation and civil society
To assist the Partner Countries concerned in combating climate change. Reinforced awareness of the stakeholders in relation to climate change.
Improve water quality and environmental safety of population. Develop the national multi-sector institutional frameworks
Demonstration of cost effective technologies and automation system, water control and water management. (water level recorders, gates positioning devices; 3) at a cooperative farm, which links the management of the automated Pakhta-abad canal with farmers’ irrigation needs; 4) train. Initiate on-farm water management pilot project.
Improve the quality of hydrometeorological forecasts. Improve hydrometeorological data exchange
Increased management capacity in the natural resources sectors. Provide support to the National Hydrometeorological Services (NHMS) to strengthen their capacity to prepare accurate regional seasonal runoff forecasts for the Syr Darya and Amu Darya River systems.