CAPACT Project: Project for Air Quality Management and the application of Clean Coal Combustion Technologies in Central Asia.
Capacity Building Programme on regional cooperation for REAP Priority “Air Quality” developed under CAPACT Project
Capacity Building Programme on regional cooperation for REAP Priority “Air Quality” developed under CAPACT Project
Promote an investment environment for self-sustaining energy efficiency and renewable energy projects to be developed and financed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Publication: Environment and Security in the Amu Darya River Basin
The primary objectives of the project were to support the protection of vulnerable and unique biological communities within the Western Tien Shan and to assist the three countries to strengthen and coordinate national policies, regulations, and institutional arrangements for biodiversity protection
The objective of the project is the safe and effective conservation of crop wild relatives and their increased availability for crop improvement in Armenia, Bolivia, Madagascar, Sri Lanka and Uzbekistan.
The UNDA project “Accountability System for Sustainable Forest Management in the Caucasus and Central Asia” supports the development of national forest reporting systems in the CCA. A functioning reporting system for SFM enables countries to monitor progress on SFM and its implementation. This project assists 5 countries to develop such monitoring or reporting systems. The development of monitoring or reporting systems based on the set of criteria and indicators by countries enhances the capacity of countries to implement sustainable forest management, and forest protection and monitor progress in its implementation.
The project promotes the long-term sustainable management of the Ustyurt landscape, focusing on the critically endangered saiga antelope.
The overall objective of the proposed programme is to contribute to the progress of the INOGATE Partner Countries in the achievement of the Baku Initiative and the Eastern Partnership objectives. The programme would support a reduction in their dependency on fossil fuels and imports, improvement of the security of their energy supply, and climate change overall mitigation.
This project has been developed in accordance with the Joint Declaration adopted at the high-level International Forum “Uranium Tailings in Central Asia: Local Problems, Regional Concenquences, Global Solution”, held in Geneva on 29 June 2009. The Joint Declaration calls for a coherent approach in addressing threats to population and environment from hazardous radioactive waste. The project contributed to transform scientific knowledge and political desire into development and implementation of prioritized interventions that include: (i) strengthening of regulatory, legislative framework and capacity for sustainable management of radioactive wastes; (ii) special initiatives for cleaning up and restoration of selected sites; (iii) initiatives for community development, including raising public awareness and attraction of social, environmental and economic investments; (iv) promotion of partnership between public and private sectors for recycling waste tailings.