

Capacity building for radioactive waste management and early warning systems in the Ferghana Valley

The project contributed and supported the process of tackling the radioactive waste issues in a coordinated way through: (i) supporting the dialogue among relevant actors in three countries to identify existing barriers for effective communications and early warning system; and (ii) establishing a distance learning system for training the specialists of ministries of emergency situations, health and others dealing with radioactive tailings.

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Capacity building for cooperation on dam safety in Central Asia, Phase III

In the conclusion of Phase II of the project, the need for continued work in the area of dam safety has been underlined by all countries in the region, and the ENVSEC partners have been requested to respond to this need. Important directions for the next phase include development and implementation of national legislation, building capacity of experts, as well as finalization and signing of the cooperation agreement.

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Capacity Building of the National Irrigated Land Reclamation Fund

Overall objective of the project was to formulate an integrated approach to irrigated land management to improve environmental quality and agricultural productivity. The Project addressed capacity building needs of the implementing organization, the Fund Management Department, to enable the National Irrigated Land Reclamation Fund to meet this objective.The focus of capacity building was streamlining institutional responsibilities, enhancing the technical capacity of the Fund Management Department staff with respect to irrigated land reclamation and management, modernizing project preparation and appraisal systems, improving the legal framework for irrigated land reclamation, demonstrating effective methods of land reclamation, and improving the Fund’s interaction with international donors.

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Mainstreaming Biodiversity into Uzbekistan`s Oil-and-Gas Sector Policies and Operations

The project objective was to mainstream biodiversity conservation into Uzbekistan’s oil-and-gas policies and operations by demonstrating this in the Ustyurt Plateau. The project removed systemic, regulatory and knowledge barriers through two outcomes: i) Enabling policy, legislative, and institutional environment for mainstreaming biodiversity conservation considerations in the oil-and-gas sector, and ii) Demonstrating biodiversity mainstreaming technologies in oil-and-gas operations on the Ustyurt Plateau. The immediate global benefits include mainstreaming of biodiversity into the oil-and-gas sector at project sites having a positive impact on an area more than 2 million hectares. This ensured population stability of a number of threatened species, including Houbara bustard, Caracal, Goitered gazelle, Ustyurt urial and the Saiga antelope.

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Promoting Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings in Uzbekistan

The project is aimed to address barriers to promoting energy efficiency in public buildings, such as schools, colleges, lyceums and hospitals, and reduce their energy consumption by improving building norms and standards, demonstrating integrated building design approaches, and building capacity of local architectural, construction, and building maintenance specialists.

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UNDP Climate Risk Management in Uzbekistan project (CA-CRM)

This project is a national components of CA-CRM aimed at climate risk management in Uzbekistan. This component aims to reduce climate-related disasters, initiate adaptation to climate change, and integrate climate risk management into the development policies and strategies of Uzbekistan.

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