

Supporting Uzbekistan in Transition to a Low-Emission Development Path

The main objective of the project is to enhance the national capacity of Uzbekistan for effective transition to a low-emission development path through (i) proactive participation in the international climate change negotiation (ii) process design, resource-mobilization and implementation of low emission development strategies (LEDS), (iii) drawing on international carbon market finance, and (iv) integrate climate change mitigation activities (promotion of renewable energy development) and available carbon finance mechanisms.

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A comprehensive study on glacial melting in Central Asia

The project goals were:
(i) to synthesise the information presently available on glacial melting in Central Asia;
(ii) to model the impacts of a range of climate change scenarios on glacial melting on water supply in the major river basins in Central Asia for the period 2009-2100 using the best available information;
(iii) to identify the gaps in knowledge, data, observation capacity and finances, facilitate the actions required for filling these gaps, and determine the budgetary needs;
(iv) to provide a range of cost-effective recommendations to improve data availability and glacier observation capacity in the region;
(v) to raise awareness of the project results with the general public, especially decision-makers in the key water user sectors which coild be affected by hydrological changes associated with the glacier retreat.

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Support for Aarhus Centres in Central Asia

Based on the existing institutional structure and the partnership arrangements of the Aarhus Centres, this project aimed to further intensify the work of Aarhus Centres on priority environmental issues that have security implications in respective countries. This was achieved through two separate but parallel approaches: (i) organizing targeted trainings and other capacity building activities for the Aarhus Centre staff and their stakeholders on the priority environmental and security issues; and (ii) facilitating active involvement and participation of Aarhus Centres and their constituencies in local and national environmental projects and programmes, particularly those under the ENVSEC Initiative, to complement and/or support the public awareness and public participation components of such larger scale projects and programmes. The project also continued to support networking and information sharing among the Aarhus Centres at the regional level.

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Planning for energy security and sustainability in Central Asia

This project was to:
(i) consolidate a network of energy and environment professionals and institutions in a dedicated regional scenario-building workshop;
(ii) improve the participants’ knowledge of scenario-based approaches to energy-environment analysis and planning, and of tools available for mainstreaming environmental and sustainability concerns into energy security policies;
(iii) help develop a blueprint for country-level follow-up by ENVSEC and other institutions;
(iv) communicate the issues and conclusions. The cornerstone event of the project was a workshop “Planning for Energy Security and Sustainability in Central Asia”.

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Managing environment and security risks with EIA and SEA in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia

Many present conflicts and security tensions originate from disagreements on the use of natural resources that are located on the territory of several countries, or from activities causing adverse impacts across borders. Environmental impact assessment (EIA) and strategic environmental assessment (SEA) provide institutional frameworks for addressing the concerns of both public and government related to new projects and plans.
The project was to use EIA and SEA as tools to address and mitigate environment-related risks by requiring adequate assessment of the potential national and transboundary environmental impacts of planned projects, establishing systematic legislative framework to integrate environmental concerns into projects and plans, enhancing public participation and empowering public to act as guardians of environmentally good practice.

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Cooperation and capacity building in the field of Meteorology in Central Asia using Institutional Cooperation Instrument

The project aimed to increase know-how among the hydrometeorological institutes of all five countries and to raise preparedness for weather-related natural disasters, which could become more frequent because of climate change. Efficient weather and climate services help to manage the adverse effects of climate change and extreme weather events on the economy and human life. In addition, the cooperation partners in Uzbekistan were assisted in modernising their institute and revising its development strategy.

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Building resilience in the fruit & nut forests of Central Asia to adapt to a changing climate

Project Objectives: To develop capacity within our project teams, partners and local stakeholders in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan in climate adaptation planning. To use climate adaptation planning processes and tools to develop climate adaptation plans for two fruit & nut project sites. To share the project’s experiences of climate adaptation planning with local and national policy makers.

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Drainage, Irrigation and Wetlands Improvement Project

The development objective of the Drainage, Irrigation, and Wetlands Improvement Project for Uzbekistan was to improve the livelihoods of poor rural households (marginalized farmers and women) in the Turtkul, Ellikkala, Beruni, and Khujakli districts of Karakalpakstan through increased income generating opportunities from sericulture and silk production by establishing and sustaining community-based silk micro-enterprises while addressing the environmental degradation of the areas caused by the decline of the Aral Sea. The project was rated satisfactory for progress towards development objectives and moderately satisfactory for implementation progress. Regional water management staff and close to 700 farmers have been trained, and training materials have been prepared. Compliance with the Bank safeguard policies was satisfactory, as was procurement and financial management. The reallocation was necessary to cover a deficit in the category ‘South Karakalpakstan Collector Drain’ in the amount of US$218,000, which was created due to exchange rate (UZS/USD) fluctuations. The required amount wwasre-allocated from the category ‘Unallocated.’

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Central Asia Energy – Water Development Program

CAEWDP was formally established as a trust fund in 2010 by the Government of Switzerland and the World Bank. The Program supports the Central Asian (CA) countries (Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan) and the World Bank’s twin goals to reduce poverty and ensure shared prosperity through long-term
economic growth and sustainability. By balancing donor support with national and regional objectives, CAEWDP is able to enhance cooperation and the promotion of integrated energy and water development initiatives at the regional as well as national levels. The Program activities address the three pillars of Energy Development, Water Productivity,
and Energy-Water Linkages by producing three outcomes: support for diagnostics and analysis,
preparation of investments, and the strengthening of national and regional institutions.
In 2014, CAEWDP underwent a transformational change, as the focus of CAEWDP activities evolved from diagnostics and analytics to technical assistance (TA) and investment identification.

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Dam safety in Central Asia: Capacity building for regional cooperation (phase II)

A second project phase focuses on support to the introduction or revision of national legislation on dam safety, the development of a regional cooperative framework and capacity development including training. Assist in adapting and tailoring the model law. Facilitate the harmonization of legal and institutional frameworks by supporting the exchange of experience and knowledge among the Central Asian countries. Provide support for the creation of a regional register of dams of interstate significance, containing technical data in the format agreed. Assist in preparing technical documentation on selected dams that require rehabilitation for submission to potential donors.

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