

Strengthening Sustainability of the National Protected Area System by Focusing on Strictly Protected Areas

The goal of the project is to strengthen Uzbekistan’s protected area system. The objective of the project is to develop successful, cost-effective, and replicable approaches towards effective management of strict nature reserves. These reserves represent the most numerous and important instrument of in situ biodiversity conservation in the country.

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National Policy Dialogues on IWRM

National Policy Dialogues (NPDs) support water sector reforms in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA) through assistance to Governments in: development and implementation of water strategies and legislation based on IWRM principles; strengthening intersectoral cooperation to improve water and health and implement the UNECE/WHO-Europe Protocol on Water and Health, in particular by setting and implementing targets on the whole water cycle and on the water and health nexus; development of national policies for the management of transboundary waters in accordance with the Water Convention and other international environmental instruments.

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Central Asia and Caucasus Disaster Risk Management Initiative (CAC DRMI)

To prepare a simplified quantitative risk assessment to determine the social and economic loss potentials and the likelihood of occurrence of different hazards at country, sub-regional and regional levels. Armenia; Azerbaijan; Georgia; Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan; Tajikistan; Turkmenistan. Technical; Flood; Drought; Earthquake; Land Slide; Epidemic

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Regional programme for sustainable and climate sensitive land use for economic development in Central Asia (predecessor: Programme for the sustainable use of natural resources in CA)

Land users, government agencies and the private sector in Central Asia adopt integrated, economically and ecologically sustainable forms of land use, taking climate change into account.
The programme works in six following areas: Forests, Pasture, Environmental economics, Climate change adaptation, Knowledge management, Environmental education and awareness raising. The programme works in six following areas: 
Forests, Pasture, Environmental economics, Climate change adaptation, Knowledge management, Environmental education and awareness raising.

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Enabling Integrated Climate Risk Assessment for CCD planning in Central Asia

Reports on climate risks in CA, specially in Kyrgyzstan, focussed on water, from a practical, hydrological and geographic point of view, scientific analysis, technical analysis, authored by Camp Alatoo in collaboration with UNDP Central Asia Climate Risk Management Program content: The Climate Risk Assessment Guide – Central Asia provides a clear and practical process to assess the impacts and outcomes of climate-related events on lives and livelihoods in Central Asia. The need the Guide arises from the region’s arid climate and the livelihoods systems based on this climate, significant impacts from climate-related damage, and regional infrastructure not designed to reflect current capacities to address climate risk impacts. Short and long-term climate risks threaten poverty reduction and developmental sustainability. Existing climate impact reports for Central Asia need to be complemented by assessment results that downscale the understanding of climate impacts in ways that support sub-national climate risk management.
The Guide is divided into three broad sections:
* Conceptual background to risk assessment,
* Methodological approaches and procedures for the Central Asia assessments process, and
* A step-by-step process for conducting assessments based leading to the development of climate risk assessment profiles or other practical outputs.

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Assessment of the role of glaciers in stream flow from the Pamir and Tien Shan mountains

This report describes the role of glaciers in the stream flow of the rivers of the Aral Basin. The study area contains the mountain basins at the headwaters of the Amu Darya and Syr Darya, located primarily in the Pamir, Hindu Kush, Karakoram, and western Tien Shan mountains. The Amu Darya study area includes the mountain basins of the Vakhsh and Panj rivers; the Syr Darya study area includes the mountain basins of the Naryn, Kara, and Chirchik rivers, and a number of small basins on the north-facing slopes of the Alai Range. There are presently no credible conceptual models describing the hydrometeorological environments of the high mountains of Asia that quantify the glacier melt component. Furthermore, there is a general lack of sufficient data to test hypotheses that relate glaciers and rivers, either as a result of a lack of a current monitoring program, or as a result of a reluctance to share these data on the part of some governments. The purpose of this study is to assess the role of the glaciers in the Pamir, Hindu Kush, Karakoram, Alai, and Tien Shan mountains in the volume and timing of stream flow of the Amu Darya and Syr Darya, and, in terms of these finding, to discuss the implications of the general retreat of glaciers for the water resources. Results are presented primarily in graphical and tabular form, and only the most salient conclusions are drawn.

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Central Asia Hydrometeorology Modernization Project (CAHMP)

Project Development Objective
The objective of the Central Asia Hydrometeorology Modernization Project (CAHMP) is to
improve the accuracy and timeliness of hydromet services in Central Asia, with particular focus
on Kyrgyz Republic and Republic of Tajikistan.
Project description
The CAHMP proposes three components:
Component A: Strengthening regional coordination and information sharing: This component
will ensure that each of the National Hydrometeorological Services (NHMSs) in the region can
share, use, exchange and archive common hydromet data and information, and that each agency
has a comparable level of expertise in the production of information and delivery of hydromet
Component B: Strengthening of Hydromet Services in Kyrgyz Republic: The component will
help strengthen Kyrgyzhydromet to ensure that it has the infrastructure and capability to
sustainably observe, forecast and deliver weather, water and climate services that meet the
country’s identified economic and societal needs.
Component C: Strengthening of Hydromet Services in Republic of Tajikistan: The component
will help strengthen Tajikhydromet to ensure that it has the infrastructure and capability to
sustainably observe, forecast and deliver weather, water and climate services that meet the
country’s identified economic and societal needs.

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Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change Mitigation Project

The objectives of the Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change Mitigation Project for Uzbekistan are to: (i) promote the introduction of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies of relevance to agribusinesses and farms; and (ii) strengthen capacity for improving degraded irrigated land and water conservation in the project area. There are three components to the project, the first component being promoting renewable energy technologies. This component will include the following activities: (i) support the dissemination of knowledge and information on renewable energy technologies (including, inter alia, bio-gas digesters, solar water heaters, and solar photovoltaic and biomass installations) by provision of goods, works and training for demonstration purposes in selected districts; and (ii) provision of support to beneficiaries for the carrying out of renewable energy subprojects. The second component is the promoting technologies and practices to mitigate irrigated land degradation. Activities under this component will aim at introducing technologies and management approaches for controlling and reversing irrigated land degradation. This includes the introduction, testing and demonstration of integrated low-cost, low-risk water and land management technologies, such as drip irrigation, salinity mitigation of marginal land, water re-use, soil quality enhancement, pumping for groundwater extraction, alternative cropping, and other techniques and practices to increase water use efficiency and agricultural productivity. Finally, the third component is the advisory services and project management.

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Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for the Aral Sea Basin (CAMP4ASB)

The development objective of the Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for the Aral Sea Basin Project for Central Asia is to enhance regionally coordinated access to improved climate change knowledge services for key stakeholders (e.g., policy makers, communities, and civil society) in participating Central Asian countries, as well as to increase investments and capacity building that, combined, will address climate challenges common to these countries. The project comprises of three components. The first component, regional climate knowledge services, will provide technical assistance, as well as minor civil works, goods (including software and equipment), and training, at both the regional and national levels, to develop a unified, integrated regional analytical platform for climate-resilient and low emission development, with improved data, information, knowledge, and decision-support tools. The second component, regional climate investment facility, will provide technical assistance and facilitation support to plan, implement, and manage climate investments. The second component consists of following two sub-components: (i) investment financing; and (ii)capacity building and community support. The third component, regional and national coordination consists of the following two sub-components:(i) regional coordination; and (ii)national coordination.

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