

Revision of the “National Strategic Plans on Biodiversity” (NBSAP)

Countries have highlighted the need for support to create national targets and indicators linked to Aichi targets 1, 2 and 4 under strategic goal A of the global Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and Action 7 of the Pan-European 2020 Strategy for Biodiversity. Therefore, there is a request from countries to build capacity for a better understanding of ecosystem services and their values and how to integrate these values into policy making through their NBSAPs.

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Technology Needs Assessment Phase II Project

The project addressed the same fundamental problem that motivated previous and on-going technology needs assessment efforts – how to accelerate the transfer of environmentally sound technologies to developing country Parties to the UNFCCC.  A closely associated issue is how to specify developing country technology needs and plans in ways that could attract adequate levels of investment and technology flows from developed countries, while bringing benefits in terms of climate mitigation and adaptation for local development goals specifically and sustainable development in general.

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Promotion dialogue for conflict prevention related to water nexus in Central Asia. Central Asia Water Nexus Cooperation (CAWECOOP)

Overall objective: To stimulate transboundary trust and high-level, trans-national political involvement in the CA water nexus through the following specific objectives: 1. Building national and regional networks around the water nexus through helping the countries to prepare for major water management events; 2. Promoting the tools contributing to better regional water management, such as remote sensing and modelling; 3. Supporting exchange of experience within Central Asia on topics related to water, land use and energy efficiency; 4. Providing capacity-building for target groups with focus on middle, operational level specialists.

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Smart Waters Project

The main goal of the Smart Waters project is to address the knowledge dis-lock in the region in water sector, build working relations among water managers and specialists, and demonstrate the potential of the basin management approach and cooperation with the academia

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