

Preparation of a biodiversity conservation strategic approach Asia: Central Asia component

Identify the principal threats to biodiversity in Central Asia and the most appropriate responses from the EU. Building on lessons learned from past and current activities, and taking due account of the urgencies, the study proposed a coherent strategic approach outlining a suite of interventions that enable EU, as well as other donors which could adhere to it, through pragmatic well-targeted activities, to engage in effective, well-articulated and complementary interventions for biodiversity conservation

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Regional Environmental Programme for Central Asia (EURECA)

Strengthening regional cooperation and partnership with the EU in the fields of integrated water resource management, forest and biodiversity governance – including environmental monitoring and environmental awareness-raising – as well as improving coordination on environmental issues region-wide through the EU-Central Asia Environment and Water Cooperation Platform. It is a four-part programme:
An environment and water cooperation platform for dialogue.
EU support for the sustainable use and management of natural resources in Central Asia in the areas of climate change, forest governance (Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade – FLEGT(link is external)), ecological recovery and environmental data collection, exchange, monitoring and assessment.
A partnership on integrated water resources management water management to share best practice on water management between Central Asian and European water management bodies, basin organisations and help train professionals.
Environmental awareness-raising on Central Asia’s most problematic environmental issues.

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Economics of Climate Change in Central and West Asia

Identification of priority investments for climate resilience and low-carbon growth. The TA had two components: (i) the component ‘adaptation to climate change’ assessed the costs and benefits of implementing adaptation measures to reduce the adverse effects of climate change on energy and water resources in the most vulnerable countries, i.e., Afghanistan, the Kyrgyz Republic, and Tajikistan; and (ii) the component ‘mitigation of climate change’ assessed the costs and benefits of GHG emission reduction measures and formulated low-carbon growth investment proposals for energy and transport in the most carbon-intensive countries in the region, i.e., Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan.

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