

District Heating Energy Efficiency Project

The development objective of the District Heating Energy Efficiency Project for Uzbekistan is to improve the efficiency and quality of heating and hot water services in selected cities within the territory of the Recipient. The project will have two components. First component, modernization of district heating systems will finance energy efficiency investments in modernization of heat production and transportation and distribution systems, including installation of building-level IHS and heat meters for billing purpose, renovation of obsolete boilers and pipes for heat transportation. The project entails a shift to metering and consumption-based billing in the project areas. In addition, gas, electricity, and water supply systems will be upgraded, wherever it is needed for DH purposes. The component will also finance procurement of specialized maintenance equipment for the participating DHCs.There are five sub component, (i) Andijan City; (ii) Bukhara City; (iii) Chirchik City; (iv) Samarkand City and (v) Sergeli District; Second component, implementation support and capacity building will finance capacity-building and implementation support for the MHCS, the Project Coordination Unit (PCU) in the Kommunkhizmat Agency (KA), participating DHCs and their technical support teams. The component will include the following activities: (a) providing technical assistance for Project management, monitoring and supervision, Project financial audit, including Training and Operating Costs; (b) assessment of the profitability of the participating DHCs, develop recommendations to improve their financial performance, and strengthen their capacity, including through workshops for the participating DHCs and other shareholders; (c) development of institutional model for DH sector regulation and management; (d) designing and conducting social surveys of customer satisfaction

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Energy Efficiency Facility for Industrial Enterprises, Phase 3

The development objective of the Energy Efficiency Facility for Industrial Enterprises Project is to improve energy efficiency in Industrial Enterprises (IEs) by designing and establishing a financing mechanism for energy saving investments. This Project Paper seeks the approval of the Executive Directors to provide additional financing (AF) in the amount of USD 200 million through an IBRD loan for the Energy Efficiency Facility for Industrial Enterprises (EEFIE) Project. The proposed AF will support the scaling up of energy efficiency (EE) lending to industrial enterprises (IEs) under Component B: Credit Line to Participating Banks, as well as technical assistance (TA) to stakeholders through Component A: Development of Energy Efficiency Capacity. The overall project design and institutional arrangements will remain the same. The original IDA credit was closed on January 31, 2016. The closing date of the additional IDA credit originally scheduled for January 31, 2018, will be extended to January 31, 2023 in alignment with the closing date of the proposed additional loan.

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Upgrade and extension of Sanitation Systems in the cities of Kitob-Shakhrisabz (Kashkadarya provinces) and Karmana (Navoi Province)

The aim of the project is to set up a modern collective sanitation system in each of the cities of Karmana, Kitob and Shakhrisabz. It includes construction work combined with a significant capacity-building component.

The work will consist of building a centralized wastewater treatment system in each of the three cities, including the installation of connections and collectors, the construction of a wastewater treatment plant, as well as the installation of a discharge system for treated wastewater compatible with its reutilization in irrigation.

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Improvement of water resources management of Hazarbag irrigation system in Surkhandarya region (Rahabilitation of Hazarbag-Akkapchigay Channels)

In scope of Improvement of Water Resources Management in Surkhandarya Region of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Reconstruction of Canals System Khazarbag-Akkapchigay is being designed. Khazarbag-Akkapchigay Canals System was constructed during Soviet Union period and consists of Right Bank Canal, Tupolang- Karatag Canal, Akkapchigay Canal, connecting canal to Sherabad main canal and engineering structures in Tangimushsai Creek and R-1 and R-2 canals.

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Sustanable Rural Development project

Sustainable Rural Development project (SRDP) aims to enhance the living standards of the rural residents in Uzbekistan by providing access to quality infrastructure and service delivery. Project will significantly improve the living standards of the rural communities in the lagging villages in Karakalpakstan, Khorezm, Bukhara and Navoiy regions while expressing his desire for further scale up of the program in other regions of the country.

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National Water Resources Management Project Phase II

The new Phase of the National Water Resources Management project is designed as a logical extension of SDC’s interventions within the framework of its Central Asian Regional Water Programme. The project will contribute to improving livelihoods of rural population through integrated water resources management in Uzbekistan. The project will support the water sector reform by assisting the MoWR in creating overall strategic and regulatory Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) framework for the country’s water sector. It will include finalization of the Water Sector Development Concept 2020-2030 and drafting of the Water Management and Irrigation Sector Strategy based on the IWRM principles to achieve the water sector’ sustainability. In parallel, the project will empower the Information Analytical Resource Center (IARC) under the MoWR as the driver for the implementation of the IWRM framework.

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USAID Regional Water and Vulnerable Environment

The program covers the five countries of Central Asia and Afghanistan and will strengthen regional cooperation on the management of shared water resources in the Syr Darya and Amu Darya river basins. Water, energy, and food security are tightly interlinked in Central Asia, forming a resource nexus that transcends the borders of the five Central Asian states of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. The goal of the USAID Regional Water and Vulnerable Environment Activity is to strengthen regional capacity to manage shared water resources and mitigate environmental risks in the Syr Darya Amu Darya River basins. The Activity takes a multi-level governance approach to tackling complex regional water challenges by strengthening collaboration through stakeholder dialogues; developing a shared vision for integrated and sustainable river basin management using evidence and modeling; and fostering collaborative action across sectors and governance levels.

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Sustainable Management of Water Resources in Rural Areas in Uzbekistan: Component 2 on Technical Capacity Building EU-WATER project

The project is designed to strengthen technical capacities of water management organisations at basin, water user associations and farm levels, and institutions responsible for providing trainings. It contributes to the achievement of goals of the Action Strategy for further Development of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021, which promotes the introduction of intensive methods to agricultural production, primarily modern water and resource-saving agriculture technologies. It also contributes to the achievement of Goal 6 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to ensure sustainable water management and sanitation for all. This can be done by promoting integrated water resources management at all levels and supporting the participation of local communities in improving effective water management.

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