

Developing climate resilience of farming communities in the drought prone parts of Uzbekistan

The Aral Sea region has been heavily affected by severe climate change impacts, worsened by the degrading state of the Aral Sea. In Karakalpakstan, increased occurrence of droughts is placing serious strains on what little water is still available for irrigation. The main activities of the project, funded by the Adaptation Fund under the Kyoto Protocol of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), include: providing support to the central, regional, and local governments and to the vulnerable rural communities in order to increase their resilience towards climate change. This is in line with the Government Strategic Development Action Plan for 2017-2021, in particular for its third key direction “Priority development of national economy”.

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Water Services and Institutional Support Project

The objectives of the Water Services and Institutional Support Project for Uzbekistan are to: (i) improve coverage, quality and efficiency of water supply and sanitation services in selected project areas; and (ii) strengthen the planning and regulatory capacity of the water supply and sewerage sector. The Project has four components. 1. Sector policy, regulations and institutions component will finance activities (goods and services) at the national level designed to strengthen policy and regulatory frameworks and institutional capacity to advance sector reform and promote sustainable service delivery. 1.1. Support for water supply and sewerage sector reforms subcomponent will finance a slice of the Government’s national water metering program and expert advisory services and technical assistance targeting priority areas of reform and institutional strengthening. 1.2. Project management and preparation of future investments subcomponent will finance project management-related activities, including monitoring and evaluation (M and E), project and entity audits, training, etc. 2. Energy efficiency financing facility component will (i) develop and implement a facility for financing of cost-effective investments in Energy Efficiency (EE) in the Suvokovas; and (ii) provide technical assistance to develop the capacity of the Suvokovas, PCU and MHCS to assure its sustainable usage. 2.1. Financing facility subcomponent will finance physical investments, including eligible goods and works, for improving EE within the sector, accessible to all 14 Suvokovas. 2.2. Technical assistance for energy efficiency management subcomponent will provide technical assistance for energy audits, monitoring and verification, communications and outreach and capacity building activities to support the start-up and sustainable implementation of this facility.

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European Union Water Initiative (EUWI) National Policy Dialogues (NPD) in Central Asia (project under WECOOP)

The project is implemented as part of WECOOP programme with the objective to enhance IWRM and inter-sectoral coordination for water security at the national level in CA countries to support sustainable development. Enhancing water policies at national levels and approximating them to EU standards and promoting green investments in the water sector in CA are specific objectives of the project.

The work on EUWI NPDs is important considering that the area of water is no longer discussed as extensively as it used to be under the EU-Central Asia Platform on Water and Environment Cooperation.

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Central Asia Nexus Dialogue Project: Fostering Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus and Multi-Sector Investment (Phase II)

The Project will further strengthen regional and national dialogues on the Water, Energy and Food (WEF) Security Nexus based on the results achieved during Phase I (2016-2019). The ultimate goal is to institutionalize the WEF Nexus approach in national and regional governance structures and investment decisions for water, energy and food security in five Central Asian States.

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CAWEP III – Central Asia Energy and Water Development Program

CAEWDP is a World Bank-administered Multi-Donor Trust Fund and promotes energy and water security and operates under three main pillars: (1) the Energy Security Pillar (2) the Water Security Pillar (3) the Energy and Water Linkages Pillar. National and cross-border activities are implemented under each pillar including diagnostics, capacity building of national and regional organizations and technical support to investments. Other donors to the Trust Fund include the Swiss’ State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and UK’s department for international development (DFID). The EU joined CAWEP (then called CAWEDP) for the first time in 2012 with a contribution of EUR1 million, when the Programme was already in its second phase).

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ERA (Environmental Remediation Account for Central Asia)

The Environmental Remediation Account (ERA) has been set up at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) upon the European Commission request to finance the necessary remediation activities in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The aim of the fund is to pool donor funds to assist the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan to remediate some of the most dangerous priority uranium legacy sites

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SWITCH-Asia and Central Asia II – Promoting Sustainable Consumption and Production

Through its grants, SWITCH funds pilot projects helping companies to adopt cleaner industrial practices and helping consumers to adopt more responsible lifestyles. The evidence provided by projects will feed into policy discussions with national governments supporting them in improving their national strategies and regulatory frameworks contributing to their economic growth while decoupling it from environmental impacts. A budget for grants making up EUR 13 million has been allocated specifically to Central Asia. 7 ongoing grants (2020-2023) on SCP practices such as energy efficiency and certifications, Corporate Social Responsibility, eco-labelling and waste in the agri-food, touristic and textiles and leather sector. The EU SWITCH Asia has been operated since 14 years and currently 24 countries.

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