

Water Monitoring System Central Asia

The objective is to enhance regional capacity in river water monitoring system related to pollution risks from uranium legacy sites. The project will establish a regional monitoring system for regional transboundary river waters affected by uranium legacy sites and also enhance national/regional analytical laboratory capabilities.

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Strengthening Financial Resilience and Accelerating Risk Reduction in Central Asia

The objective of the Trust Fund is to improve financial resilience and risk informed investment planning towards building disaster and climate resilience in Central Asia. The activities will be implemented in 5 CA countries and focused on: 1-Quantifying Regional Dis. Risks and Capacity Building on Risk Identification 2-Establishing Fundamental Awareness and Capacities for Financial Resilience at National and Regional Lenvel and 3-Exposure Mapping for Improved Risk Analysis & Disaster Management

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Climate Adaptive Water Resources Management in the Aral Sea Basin Sector Project

The proposed project will build on lessons learned from past and ongoing projects of ADB in water resources in Uzbekistan. It will undertake a long-term, strategic and knowledge-based approach. The project will deliver climate adaptive solutions to water resources management by modernizing irrigation and drainage in selected subprojects within the Amu Darya and (selective reaches of the) Zarafshan River Basins in Uzbekistan.

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The objective of the Phase II project is to reduce risk of the negative impact of the uranium waste on people, livelihoods, and environment through raising awareness and supporting people-centered, gender sensitive, risk-informed solutions in legacy sites at the level of local communities in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. This objective will be achieved through implementing targeted public advocacy and outreach campaign; building upon the successful awareness raising work of the Phase I; improving implementation of the regulatory environment through effective community engagement in the decision making process; strengthening national and cross-border cooperation in uranium legacy remediation, and carrying out targeted community level socio-economic interventions to reduce the risk of uranium legacy sites in at-risk communities.


1. Increased understanding of local and national decision-makers and community members about uranium waste risk and its impact on people, livelihoods, and environment;
2. Reinforced implementation of legal and regulatory frameworks through community engagement for an effective governance of the uranium legacy sites;
3. Reduced health hazards and radiological risk from the radioactive waste in target communities through gender sensitive and social economic development projects;
4. Regional component: cross-country coordination and knowledge exchange

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Resource Efficiency in Agri-food Production and Processing (REAP)

Promote SCP practices in the agri-food production and processing industries along the entire supply chain, while creating an enabling environment through clusters and by building on current national development strategies, integrating SCP incentives. The SCP practices will focus on resource-efficiency in agri-food production and processing and apply approaches for dealing with resource shortfalls. This will cover increasing the efficiency of water usage, reduction of food-losses and decreasing other energy and resource inefficiency. The process of clusterization will seek to enhance the competitiveness of local businesses.

The Objectives
The action seeks to improve sustainability in the agri-food production and processing industries in two ways:

● Targeting fast, cost-efficient SCP measures, showcasing the business case of such measures and creating a win-win mind-set in MSMEs;
● Building MSMEs capacity to deal innovatively with challenges in natural resource shortages and creating ecosystems for SCP and supply-chain integration.

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Regional Approaches for Combating Sand and Dust Storms and Drought

The ultimate goal of the project is to enable an environment for coordinated action and data sharing at national and regional levels and informed decision-making in addressing drought and SDS risks in Central Asian Region. To this end, a Regional Drought Risk Management Strategy for Central Asia (under Component 1) and a Regional Framework and Strategy to Combat Sand and Dust Storms (under Component 2) will be developed.

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Promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy production in the community-based tourism sector in Central Asia

Promotes transition of Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan to a low carbon economy by adapting and introducing new resource and energy efficiency solutions by technology providers and facilitating access to green finance to scale up this new technologies and SCP solutions in the touristic sector. Develops “Green hostels” model by implementation of SCP practices such as local eco-standards, eco-certification scheme, value-chain approach and resource efficiency.

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A model for sustainable tourism in Central Asia

Promotes sustainable tourism in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan through implementation of ISO standards related to green procurement and eco-labeling. Elaborates Guidelines on sustainable consumption, including usage of water, energy and recyclable waste. Promotes the sharing of the EU best practices such as legislative frameworks and regulations, while applying needed ICT and marketing tools.

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