Creation of an environmental volunteer network discussed in Turkmenistan

Creation of an environmental volunteer network discussed in Turkmenistan

The Regional Environmental Center of Central Asia (CAREC) and the public organization “Yash Tebigatchy” discussed the creation of a volunteer network within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding.

The goal of creating a volunteer network is to unite the efforts of young people who are concerned about environmental protection issues and to involve them in the implementation of joint projects between CAREC and Yash Tebigatchy.

During the meeting, the parties discussed the goals and objectives of the volunteer network, possible directions of its activities, as well as mechanisms for selecting and training volunteers.

“The creation of a volunteer network will be an important step in strengthening cooperation between CAREC and Yash Tebigatchy,” said Mergen Kepbanov, director of the CAREC project office.

“Volunteers will help us implement a number of important projects aimed at preserving the environment in Central Asia,” he believes.

He also noted that the new generation should promote their new ideas and technologies in the field of environmental protection, and also strive to participate in international youth conferences in the field of ecology.

“We also propose to draw up a plan and schedule for training volunteers and youth for cooperation in the field of international environmental law, and invite experts to read and make presentations on all international conventions to which Turkmenistan has joined,” said Mergen Kepbanov.

Leili Shykhmadova, chairwoman of Yash Tebigatchy, also expressed confidence that the volunteer network will become an effective tool for involving young people in environmental activities.

“We are pleased to have the opportunity to collaborate with CAREC in creating a volunteer network. I am confident that this will allow us to unite the efforts of young people who want to make our world a better place,” she said.

The parties agreed to continue work on creating a volunteer network and to present a plan for its development in the near future.

Additional Information:

Mergen Kepbanov, Director of the project office of the Regional Environmental Center for Central Asia (CAREC) in Turkmenistan,

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