Gender and Water in Central Asia

The objectives of the GWANET:
improved gender awareness among the water sector stakeholders at regional, national and local levels through establishment of GWANET;
strengthened capacity of the water sector stakeholders for incorporating gender dimensions into the decision-making process.
Since ADB’s assistance program in the CARs includes a number of water related loan and TA projects, it is expected that this project will help improve understanding of the stakeholders’ needs, in particular, gender dimensions, in implementing national and regional water related activities.

The project will have two components: (i) Gender Awareness Promotion; and (ii) Capacity Building of Water Sector Organizations. The first component will be implemented through existing water network of the Interstate Commission for Water Coordination (ICWC) and GWP CACENA with the gender focal points represented by one water specialist and one NGO in the CARs.

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