East-West Logistics Forum: Transport Corridors in the CAREC Region: Supply Chain Resilience and Trade Facilitation

East-West Logistics Forum: Transport Corridors in the CAREC Region: Supply Chain Resilience and Trade Facilitation


The potential economic benefits of transport corridors include boosts to cross-border trade, GDP, investments, and employment as well as lower transportation costs. Major barriers to infrastructure investment include long-term financing, high upfront cost, large-scale investment, high risk, and uncertain benefits.

This hybrid forum will discuss transport corridor development in the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) region, including the promotion of supply chain resilience and trade facilitation. It will focus on CAREC transport corridor growth, its trade and economic potential, and infrastructure expansion challenges and opportunities.

  • Explore transport corridors, supply chain resilience, and trade facilitation in the CAREC region
  • Examine the impacts of transport corridor infrastructure improvements and trade
Target Participants
  • Policy makers and experts from think tanks, universities, and other institutions, as well as post-graduate students and interested members of the public
  • Enhanced understanding of transport corridor prospects in the CAREC region
  • Greater impetus for dialogue and collaboration between policy makers and experts on supporting transport corridor development
  • Research papers featured during the forum will be considered for publication in a related book
  • Asian Development Bank
  • CAREC Institute
  • Kazakh-German University

More details https://www.adb.org/news/events/virtual-conference-on-linking-farmers-to-markets-barriers-solutions-and-policy-options

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