Workshop on Climate Finance and Technical working group meeting, Tashkent

Start date:
March 11, 2024
End date:
March 15, 2024

Organizer: ReCATH, OKO-Institut

Dates: 11 – 15 March 2024

Location: Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Contact details:,


Описание: This workshop will focus on strengthening local stakeholders’ expertise and collaboration on climate finance. By doing so, the workshop builds on the UNFCCC’s Needs-based Finance (NBS) Project, which developed a regional climate finance access and mobilization strategy for the Central Asian region. The underlying technical assessment identified the lack of a robust MRV system as one of the barriers “to scaling up climate action and as an impediment to accessing support”.[1]

Against this backdrop, the main objective of the workshop is to strengthen the technical capacity of national experts in Central Asia to track climate finance flows in line with the requirements under the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) for the preparation of Biennial Transparency Reports (BTRs). More robust data on climate finance flows and better understanding on funding gaps and needs will be instrumental for accessing and mobilizing additional resources for actions identified in national climate plans and strategies.


As a result of the training, we expect that country experts

  1. Have a broad understanding of the current state of climate finance in their country
  2. Understand the reporting requirements for climate finance flows under the ETF
  3. Are familiar with the ICAT Climate Finance Transparency Guide and
  4. Identified gaps in their technical and institutional capacity to conduct in-depth climate finance reporting


Beyond enhancing local expertise, the workshop also generates an opportunity to strengthen the network of local climate finance stakeholders in Central Asia by steering cross-country collaboration and peer-to-peer knowledge exchange.


Format of the event

The workshop is targeted to national representatives from Central Asian countries who are involved in climate finance activities.

The workshop will involve interactive sessions and practical exercises and is therefore held face-to-face. Each participant must bring their own personal computer. The organizer will provide internet access.

The workshop is held in Russian.


Prior to the workshop, nominated participants will receive the agenda to the workshop and are expected to review selected material as preparation to the workshop.

After the workshop, participants will have three weeks to submit comments and feedback including wishes for the second workshop (anonymously).

Further information on the dates of the follow-up workshop will be provided at a later date.

For online participants please use the following link:

Log in Zoom Conference

Conference ID: 849 3877 9786

Access code: 578666

[1] UNFCCC (2023) – Technical Assessment of Climate Finance in Central Asia and South Caucasus. Annex to the Climate Finance Access and Mobilization Strategy for Central Asia and South Caucasus, p38.

Organizer: ReCATH, OKO-Institut

Dates: 11 – 15 March 2024

Location: Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Contact details:,


Описание: This workshop will focus on strengthening local stakeholders’ expertise and collaboration on climate finance. By doing so, the workshop builds on the UNFCCC’s Needs-based Finance (NBS) Project, which developed a regional climate finance access and mobilization strategy for the Central Asian region. The underlying technical assessment identified the lack of a robust MRV system as one of the barriers “to scaling up climate action and as an impediment to accessing support”.[1]

Against this backdrop, the main objective of the workshop is to strengthen the technical capacity of national experts in Central Asia to track climate finance flows in line with the requirements under the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) for the preparation of Biennial Transparency Reports (BTRs). More robust data on climate finance flows and better understanding on funding gaps and needs will be instrumental for accessing and mobilizing additional resources for actions identified in national climate plans and strategies.


As a result of the training, we expect that country experts

  1. Have a broad understanding of the current state of climate finance in their country
  2. Understand the reporting requirements for climate finance flows under the ETF
  3. Are familiar with the ICAT Climate Finance Transparency Guide and
  4. Identified gaps in their technical and institutional capacity to conduct in-depth climate finance reporting


Beyond enhancing local expertise, the workshop also generates an opportunity to strengthen the network of local climate finance stakeholders in Central Asia by steering cross-country collaboration and peer-to-peer knowledge exchange.


Format of the event

The workshop is targeted to national representatives from Central Asian countries who are involved in climate finance activities.

The workshop will involve interactive sessions and practical exercises and is therefore held face-to-face. Each participant must bring their own personal computer. The organizer will provide internet access.

The workshop is held in Russian.


Prior to the workshop, nominated participants will receive the agenda to the workshop and are expected to review selected material as preparation to the workshop.

After the workshop, participants will have three weeks to submit comments and feedback including wishes for the second workshop (anonymously).

Further information on the dates of the follow-up workshop will be provided at a later date.

For online participants please use the following link:

Log in Zoom Conference

Conference ID: 849 3877 9786

Access code: 578666

[1] UNFCCC (2023) – Technical Assessment of Climate Finance in Central Asia and South Caucasus. Annex to the Climate Finance Access and Mobilization Strategy for Central Asia and South Caucasus, p38.

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